Sorry but until there is irrefutable proof of JD Hall's "wrongdoing" I will NOT believe this---- I will pray for JD Hall that the truth will actually present itself for all to see--- until such time and since satan is unhinged now and not holding back his evil schemes but is in full and very plain view for all to see-- I will not believe in Brother Hall's guilt--- as stated I will be praying for JD Hall that our God will help him and his precious family through this-- if he is truly innocent then God help you all--

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Thank you for the info HOWEVER given the tone of the original statement the only thing that is truly appalling is those in power's reaction to this poor soul--- again given the language used in the article I expected that something truly grave and unbiblical had taken place---instead you have this poor man who fought a Herculean fight(FOR OUR SIDE) for so long on so many fronts from those fomented by satan ---slipped a bit and became dependent on a drug PRESCRIBED for him---his over use of Xanax is actually and sadly very understandable ---the powers that be's reaction to finding out is NOT --- how very Julie Roys of y'all...

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A godly response , so rare and welcomed. YES, tragic but we are in the last days and many things EVERYTHING will be tested by Holy FIRE! amen

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I’m sorry, but I don’t think that using, even abusing, Xanax should disqualify a man from ministry. JD has a tendency to be a bit less than kind when he talks about certain groups of people, but he’s never wrong in *what* he says.

It’s not my business and I’m going to pray for JD and his family, but I really hope that there is something far more significant and more serious than Xanax that would warrant his removal. There are literally hundreds of millions of people in the USA alone that take Xanax and OxyContin; I am one of those people. That just does not meet the definition of ‘serious sin that demands removal from the pastoral office and disqualification from ministry.

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Thanks. From other articles/comments about him, he may not have sinned as heinously as decided. He may be suffering from a condition?

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I unsubscribed from the Pulpit and Pen Facebook page a few years ago because it had a very bitter, non-Christian tone throughout so many of its postings. I am saddened that JD Hall remains unrepentant, yet church discipline is Biblical, and sadly, necessary at times. I wish JD Hall a softening of his heart and a speedy return to solid Christian fellowship, which is the intent of such discipline. It is sad and scary that Christians in the spotlight succumb to sinful temptations. After becoming unenthused with Pulpit and Pen, I can see where JD's pride and arrogance has led to this sad result.

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Another reason why we should let mercy, love and grace lead, rather than demeaning comments and sarcasm. If you're going to have a ministry that calls out motes in others eyes, the standards are going to be pretty high for the eye-logs of your own behavior.

I appreciate Douglas Wilson's comments on mocking opponents. He does it, but with fear and trembling. The power that comes from being in a spotlight and the rush from belittling one's opponents has led many astray. There's a place for it--Jesus, Paul, and Luther all used it as a polemics tool. But season your words (and heart!) with grace. Always grace.

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Thank you for the update. I have been praying for JD. I am praying that God's wisdom guides all the decisions that are made during this process.

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God’s will be done.

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He should not be in a leadership position but we must embrace and restore . The Church is about deliverance , healing , and restoration after the sinner repented and is humbled. My prayers are for him this night . I been humbled . Got no stones.

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I will always be greatful for J.D.s ministry in my life, He very patiently and dilligently taught me the Reformed Doctrines of Grace, bringing some stability to my wobbling walk with Jesus. Hes been a great friend and the best example of a pastor. An imperfect man to be sure, but he loves gods word, loves Gods people and loves righteousness. Any one of us could be entangled, especially when its prescribed for a legitimate need. He had tremendous anxiety for people and situations in his charge. Im reminded of John 15;2 "Every branch that beareth fruit, He prunes that it may bear more fruit". God never uses any man He hasnt utterly crushed first. I have great hope for Jordan.

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Church discipline is a very uncomfortable process. It is not understand by most laymen nor pastors, but it is needed, if the church and it's members are going to be holy. I hope and pray that JD Hall is restored in due time, so he can continue to do Christ's work and for his and his family's sake.


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I trust the leadership and congregation at FBC Sidney as Godly men and woman. I believe they are being obedient to scripture and have done their due diligence and investigation into this matter. I have never met any of them but believe this from their past actions, steadfastness and especially from JD himself who has testified of them. The most loving and righteous thing to do for all involved and as an example to the rest of us was to follow God's Word, which I believe they have done. God Bless FBC Sidney.

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Who is JDHall? Excuse my ignorance. I live in NZ.

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In a nutshell...JD Hall was the Pastor at FBC Sidney and founder or co-founder of Pulpit and Pen which is now Protestia and the Gideon Knox Group. He has been the leader and front man for these ministries.

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I am extremely disturbed by this notice, if not heartbroken. And since we do not know what are the "allegations of serious sin committed by our brother JD Hall," my response is that IT IS the sovereignty of the Lord God I AM WHO I AM who is working out of His will. His plan and purpose will be accomplished in and through JD as well as the leaders and congregants of Fellowship Baptist Church.

I'd like to share John G. Reisinger's six basic principles surrounding the sovereignty of God in providence. The full text is available as a PDF download, "The Sovereignty of God in Providence - Chapel Library at https://www.chapellibrary.org/book/sogi/sovereignty-of-god-in-providence-the-reisingerjohn



Romans 11:36

There are six basic principles surrounding the sovereignty of God in providence that run all the way through the Word of God and undergird its message of salvation. It is essential to understand and believe these six principles in order to have a Biblical understanding of either God Himself or the theology of His sovereign grace. Grasping and applying these truths to your everyday life is the foundation of Biblical hope that leads to true joy in the Lord. It is impossible to have a hopeful sense of security and a heartfelt assurance while living in our present-day, crazy world without a knowledge and appreciation of the sovereignty of God in providence embodied in these six Biblical truths.

Do you personally understand the message of hope and grace that is set forth in the Word of God, or do you have trouble “putting it all together” into one coherent system? Can you relate the truths of the Bible to your everyday life, or do the doctrines of the Word of God seem unrelated to the “real life situations” of your personal world today? This article is written for the express purpose of giving clear and specific help in these two areas. It is designed to help you understand what the Bible really says and means, and then help you to apply that message to the real life situations in your personal world that you must face.

Let me first list the six principles and then cover them one at a time:

1. God has a definite plan and purpose for the world. JOB 23:13; EPH 1:8-12.

2. God is always in control of all things and is constantly at work in accomplishing His plan. HAB 1:1-11; ISA 10:5, 6.

3. God controls and uses everyone, even the devil, in working out His plan. ISA 10:7-11; PS 76:10.

4. God punishes the people that He uses to accomplish His purposes when they act out of wrong motives. ISA 10:12-16; ACTS 2:23, 24; MATT 27:15-26.

5. All things are from God, but the devil is the agent of all evil. II SAM 24:1; I CHRON 21:1.

6. Although all sickness and affliction are part of God’s purposes and under His sovereign control, it does not follow that all sickness and affliction are necessarily chastisement for sin. JOB 1:1, 6; 2:10; 13:15.

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