I'm no fan of Andy Stanley but if Phil Johnson actually circulated in the real world and saw the godly women pastoring God's flock - not because they greedily grabbed at a title but because they obeyed Jesus' call to love His people (and maybe in some cases because men were too lazy or cowardly to obey God's call), instead of making cheap shot declarations to his fan club he might be more of an asset to the Church of Jesus Christ.
I'm no fan of Andy Stanley but if Phil Johnson actually circulated in the real world and saw the godly women pastoring God's flock - not because they greedily grabbed at a title but because they obeyed Jesus' call to love His people (and maybe in some cases because men were too lazy or cowardly to obey God's call), instead of making cheap shot declarations to his fan club he might be more of an asset to the Church of Jesus Christ.