Zinke Crabs about Rino McCarthy, All the While Taking His Money
We’ve written at length about Ryan Zinke before, detailing his many acts of malfeasance and shady shenanigans
We’ve written at length about Ryan Zinke before, detailing his many acts of malfeasance and shady shenanigans that have followed him his whole career, with a few notable examples being the series we recently did on him:
Zinke Files #1: Stolen Valor
Zinke Files #2: Zinke Sought Endorsement from Pro-Abortion, LGBTQ, Illegal Immigration Group
Zinke Files #3: Pay for Play, the Most Corrupt Politician in Montana History
Zinke Files #4: Pro-Abortion Candidate, Evidence is Clear
Zinke Files #5: Fired By Trump, For the Right Reasons
Zinke Files #6: Military Record Exaggerated, Exploited for Disability
Zinke Files #7: Zinke Unfaithful, Untrustworthy to Trump
Because he’s so morally and politically compromised, it’s no surprise that Zinke stood up at a recent Pachyderm event and told everyone that Jim Jordan is a great guy, but that he needed to ‘keep his eye’ on California’s Kevin McCarthy, that compromised RINO House Minority Leader that couldn’t legislate his way out of a paper, even though McCarthy has donated to his campaign.
According to Open Secrets, For the 2021-2022 year, McCarthy has given Zinke two donations totaling $10,000, adding to the $2,000,000 war chest he’s amassed as he battles Dr. Olszewski for Montana’s new western congressional district.
If Zinke believes that McCarthy is as bad as he pretends he is, despite being two peas in a pod when it comes to political ideology and belief, then he can return the donations and start acting like he really means it.
We don’t need Republican politicians anymore, particularly with those who live in California and can’t even be bothered to come to our debates or live in our state. We have plenty of those and have had our fill. Rather, we need true conservative patriots in the seats of power, ones who have spines of steel and aren’t afraid to get a little blood on their boots.
Zinke’s latest doublespeak is all the more reason to show that when it comes to what Montana needs; he’s not the guy, and he never will be.
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