Woke Christians Seethe and Rage, Say Viral Anti-Abortion Shirt is ‘Racist’
Raymond Chang is president of the Evangeleftist organization Asian American Christian Collaborative and functions like his counterpart Jemar Tisby, president of The Witness Collective. Like Tisby, Chang regularly supports such leftist causes as the Black Lives Matter movement, the gun control movement, and racial hierarchy politics. The AACC website’s recommended resources page is chock full of links, book recommendations, and podcasts that focus almost exclusively on race-baiting and racialization of the church as if the organization’s only purpose is to promote racial and political division amongst Christians.
We wrote about Chang recently after he was a speaker at a Christian ‘Pro-Justice’ conference, where ironically, almost all the speakers present were either pro-choice or were utterly silent on the fall of Roe v. Wade, demonstrating their commitment to justice for all except the unborn.
Days ago, pastor Tom Buck posted a picture of a group of men who participated in an expository preaching conference. One man wore a shirt that read ‘My Plantation, My Choice.’ with a pair of baby feet underneath. His choice of clothing was picked up by another user and racked up over a million views, catching the attention who could not believe his eyes.
He led a charge against the man wearing it, accusing him of being a racist who supports slavery and, by necessity, the lynching of black folk.
Though many sought to explain to Chang what the shirt was conveying, he obstreperously displayed a pathological inability to comprehend of put two and two together. Tom Buck tried, but his efforts were in vain.
Seriously. Chang doubled and tripled down.
For those of us on the front lines in the abortion battle, whether engaging with strangers in street ministry or participating in social media campaigns, comparing abortion to the holocaust or slavery has long been a rhetorical argument that we’ve employed.
Unfortunately, Chang is out of the battle and so unfamiliar with anti-abortion rhetoric that he can’t even comprehend how the abortion holocaust and the dehumanization and murder of tens of millions of children are perfectly paralleled in the dehumanization of the Jews during WW2, which is perfectly paralleled in the dehumanization of black folk in the 19th century.
This is not language that only rabid abortion abolitionist employ: even The Babylon Bee did an article about this, writing “Slavery is plantation care . And if anyone criticizes you for your personal decision to have slaves, just remember to clap back with these powerful words: “My plantation, my choice.”
At one point, Chang became oh-so-close to getting it, but it flew over his head.
Sadly, Chang never did get it, and he was joined by Veggie Tales creator Phil Visher. Vischer insists he’s “pro-life” and is “against abortion,” and yet he believes abortion should be legal and allowed in some circumstances, such as in cases of rape and incest. Despite his protestations, something tells us he would never accept someone saying they are “anti-slavery” and “against racism” while still wanting slave-owning to remain legal in some cases and circumstances.
That neither Chang nor Vischer understands the natural parallel and comparison between the two demonstrates an ignorance and obtuseness that is breathtaking to behold. The fact that Chang will not show a little intellectual honesty and grant that the man wasn’t seeking to broadcast his support for naked racism shows why he should be marked and avoided.