Witness BCC VP Says White Children are RACIST after Observing THIS Normal Playground Behavior
Who are the real racists?
While Jemar Tisby and his supporters go around complaining and raging that a college that he once spoke at repudiated one of his messages for being too progressive and having “divisive racial themes,’ the LGBTQ-affirming, openly pro-choice Vice President of his Black Christian Collective Organization is out slinging racial accusations faster than Kyle J Howard can Say ‘Twaumatize.’
For context, this is the same woman who advised black women not to enter into interracial relationships with white people, then she said that she’s concerned about the number of black ‘coons’ running for political office, because white people are ‘weaponizing’ them. Now, she’s getting more an more extreme, sharing:
So two years ago, my family moved from Missouri to the south side of Chicago in order to get away from racist white people. So we went from predominantly white context to all black everything. Like I rarely interact with white people like at all. So whenever I’m around white people now, I see racism much more acutely than I did back in the day.
I was at an activity with one of my kids today and I was able to observe just how much white kids are socialized into white supremacy.
So in two separate instances, I watched white kids treat black kids like they were invisible. In the first incident a white kid literally crawled all over this black kid trying to see what he was doing on a mobile device, no respect for his bodily autonomy at all whatsoever.
The second incident, I watched two little white girls treat a little black girl like she didn’t exist. They would look at one another, they were talking, they would look at one another. She would say something they would glance and then they would look back at one another and just keep talking. It was really hard to watch. And I know that somebody’s gonna hop in the comments and say, ‘well, kids will be kids, this is how kids’ This ain’t it. In both instances, it was clear that these white kids did not see these black kids as full human beings and worthy of dignity and respect.
h/t The Dissenter