Warrior for Freedom: Flathead County Patriot “MDG Bravery Award” Goes to Hannah Karev
View Hannah Karev as she addresses the Flathead County Health Board.
Montana Daily Gazette has promised to write up a plethora of Flathead County Health Board Meeting “miniseries” articles as the Board, with all its folly and fanaticism (minus a couple of level-headed members), never ceases to amaze our readers. There is another element to these meetings: the “fearlessness” of the many true Patriots who stand up for freedom and never back down and share during “public speaking time.”
We are always amazed when we get a chance to view the bravery (and wisdom via the research these citizens present). Numerous Patriots exude a multitude of phenomenal-worthy commentaries during their public speaking time.
As you watch, below you will be impressed by Karev’s level of confidence, intellect, and the logic she puts forth.
Heaven knows we NEED these level-headed freedom-minded people to speak up with courage, sound intellect, and good judgment.
View Hannah Karev as she addresses the Flathead County Health Board. Video HERE
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