Victory! Super 1 Foods Drops Montana Vaccine Discrimination! ALL WORKERS Receive Holiday Bonus!
This is called “Vaccine Discrimination” and is against the law
As you remember, just three days ago at Montana Daily Gazette we wrote an article stating the illegal actions of Super 1 Foods which was trying to bribe Montana store employees into taking the Covid ‘Vaccine’ via cash as an incentive. As that was the case, we put out a ‘Call to Action’ alarming Montana residents/employees that Super 1 Foods had illegally discriminated by rewarding their employees with cash to take the Toxic ‘Covid’ Injections.
This is called “Vaccine Discrimination” and is against the law (House Bill 702) in the State of Montana. The premise is that those receiving the “Vaccine” would be rewarded while those who chose not to would not.
We revealed that Mark Goodwin Director of Human Resources at the Super 1 headquarters based out of Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, had promoted ‘Vaccine Discrimination’ which is illegal here in Montana. He needed to drop that in Montana even though Super 1 Foods stores are spread throughout the entire Northwest. So, naturally, we added Goodwin’s phone number to our article and urged concerned Montana Super 1 Foods employees to call him with their concerns and obviously they did.
One particular Family Health Advocate from Flathead County happened to call Goodwin right after our article was published and made it extremely clear that multiple House Bills had been violated and he was disregarding the Super 1 Foods “Vaccine Incentive Flier” to which he became quite irate.
In case you missed our last article here is the “Vaccine Incentive Flier” below.
The flier above states that those who submitted ‘proof of full vaccination’ would receive 4 extra hours of pay along with a dollar an hour pay rate increase for several months.
When the Family Health Advocate attempted to ‘educate’ Goodwin, he became quite irate and nasty. “Goodwin was a tyrant yelling and defending his unlawful policy so I skipped along to the owner” stated the Family Health Advocate. Until the next day that is.
Then he changed his tone considerably.
“This is Mark, Human Resources Mgmt from Super 1 Foods. I wanted to let you know that I just sent out a letter withdrawing the vaccination incentive. All our employees are going to get an additional $1.00 per hour from now until Christmas.”
“Thanks again for advocating for personal freedom. You and others like you who expressed your concerns were heard. I was hoping we could chat again and I promise my goal is to learn more about HB 702. I was not trying to contradict you. I just wanted to make sure you were aware of what is on the MT web site that might be confusing employers. If you do not want to chat I understand and again I am grateful for people like you who are standing up for our personal freedoms.”
It sounds as though Mr. Goodwin and Super 1 Foods Adminstrators might have feared a lawsuit.
At Montana Daily Gazette we have YOUR backs. And a very special thanks to our Family Health Advocate for boldly reaching out to Super 1 Food Headquarters as well as others who took the time to call.
‘We the People’ shall prevail!
Merry Christmas to Super 1 workers everywhere and congratulations on your “Holiday Bonus!”
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