Victory in Maryland! Funeral Home Allows Family In!- (Unmasked)
The squeaky wheel really does get the grease.
When you are persistent, it pays off and in a big way. Jean Howard and her daughter, who recently traveled to Maryland to pay respects to their deceased (son and brother), were grateful to their many family, friends, and patriots who called into Ruck Funeral Homes requesting the family be allowed to view their beloved without wearing masks.
The squeaky wheel really does get the grease.
Yesterday Montana Daily Gazette sent out a plea requesting folks to call “Ruck’s and implore them to drop the face masks. Because they got so many calls, they honored that request. You can read yesterday’s article here.
Maryland is quite different than Montana, but that didn’t stop the Patriots from making their Constitutional request made known.
The owner was somewhat perturbed and wasn’t real happy about “So many family members calling in,” but he gave in. He then retorted, “If an inspector shows up, you will be responsible for the $1000 fine.”
That’s the gist of this, folks. Covid and all its hullabaloo are about making a buck and controlling your life.
If we’ve said it once, we’ve said it a thousand times.
Special Note: Ian Trottier, a Miami, Florida native (and Montana Patriot), is friends with MDG and Jean Howard, her daughter, and did a fantastic radio segment covering the ensuing ordeal. The radio host interviewed Howard, who is a registered nurse. We are thankful to Trottier from ‘Discussions of Truth’ Radio for his coverage of the matter.
Listen here to this powerful interview.
Howard and her daughter are to be commended for their tenacious spirits, patriotic stance, and brave leadership. Well done, ladies, well done.
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