U.S. is the New China-Oregon Begs People to “Stop Having Kids” (video within)
One billboard lists the organizational name and a picture of a baby in a circle with a line through it.
A recent news article caught my attention on the lengths that the anti-life liberals will go to promote their radical agenda. An organization called “StopHavingKids.org” has recently been putting up billboards and signage in Oregon promoting its message. And as you can already guess by the name, its message is antibiblical fearmongering.
One billboard lists the organizational name and a picture of a baby in a circle with a line through it. Another states the depressing mantra, “A lot of humans wish they were never born.” How’s that for an uplifting message? And to make it sadder, on their Instagram page, they label this billboard as “their baby.”
But even worse than their billboards are their “protest” signs with such affirming messages as “The world doesn’t need you to continue your bloodlines, genetics, or family name” and “Having kids is far beyond a personal choice.” It’s clear that guilt, fear, and alarmism are the primary methods for spreading their propaganda. But if no one had children, the human race would become extinct. Thus life is ultimately meaningless. It’s all foolishness.
You can read the rest of the story here. Written and published by Ken Ham (Answers in Genesis)
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