United Church of Christ Impastor Berates Her Congregation into Using Personal Pronouns
First Church of Windsor in Windsor, CT, is a pro-choice, pro-LGBTQ, “open and affirming” church goat pen that is part of the thoroughly reprobate United Church of Christ. We’ve covered the devilish denomination a few times in our posts: Good News! The United Church of Christ Lost 286K Members, 551 Churches in Last Decade! +67% of Congregations Under 50 People, when Drag Queen Minister Berates Woke Denomination for Not Being ‘Affirming Enough’ and that time ‘Drag Clown’ Preaches Sermon and Says THIS about Muslims and Transfolk.
Led by Pastrix Nicole Grant-Yonkman, one of the church’s “core values” is social justice, leading them to participate in all sort of woke side quests:
In a recent sermon, Grant-Yonkman berated her congregation into using personal pronouns, saying God uses plural pronouns (us/ our, they/them in the creation story, before insisting that the “clobber verses” are “not even close to being part of the core principles of our faith.”