A father who has spent over half a decade and a nearly a million dollars to stop his young son from transitioning to a ‘girl’ against his (and allegedly his son’s) wishes has lost his most recent court case, resigning to the fact that his child will almost certainly be chemically castrated at the insistence of his ex-wife. He shared the sobering news on X:
Four years ago, Jeff Younger was dealt a crippling blow by a Texas judge who ruled that his ex-wife, who has been actively trying to transition their child, was to be given sole medical, psychological, and psychiatric care, overruling the father and removing him from the decision-making process.
The mother, Dr. Anne Georgulas, claimed that he had gender dysphoria when he was only six. She called James ‘Luna’ at home and dressed him like a girl while exploring options to begin him on hormone blockers. According to court documents, the mother asked the courts to stop the father from:
“signing Luna up as James for any activities or taking her as James or calling her James or using male pronouns related to Luna at any activities outside the home… allowing the children to remain in the presence of anyone who is not calling Luna by her chosen name, ‘Luna,’ not using female pronouns to refer to her and otherwise not affirming Luna.”
Jeff has routinely maintained that when his (now 12-year-old) son stayed with him, he did not want to be treated as a girl and wouldn’t wear girl clothes, saying he is a boy. (Featured below, pictures of James when his mother was seeking to socially transition him)
Georgulas and her children moved to California over the objections of Younger, where the custody battle continued. Following the conclusion of his case on Nov 11, Jeff wrote:
My trial in California is finished. The Judge may not like me posting photos of my sons, but so many of you have prayed for and supported my sons. You have a right to see who these young men are. Thank you. I did my best to stop the transgender castration of my son. My expert witness,
@Miriam_Grossman, did a superb job explaining the harms of transgender “treatments” on kids. I prayed the court grant me unsupervised visitation with my sons and grant me a say in their medical care.
I argued that I am the best parent to make medical decisions for my sons. There were some breaches by third-parties of the sealing order. I could face jail and monetary sanctions for their actions. I now await Judge Juhas’ ruling. The decision is really about whether my sons will have a father and whether their father has equal rights to determine their medical care.
Following the announcement that he would not be participating in supervised visits with his children, he shared his reasons for doing so:
A number of well-meaning people (and some ill-meaning people too) have urged me to attend supervised visits. That is a bad idea. It’s bad for kids. Supervised visitation reinforces in a child’s mind that the father is dangerous, that something is wrong with him. It’s also bad for the father. The supervisor can record anything he wants. Whatever he writes down, the court will take as fact. Supervision provides infinitely malleable material for the courts to make damaging findings. It’s also very expensive. I have to do visits in Los Angeles County, California. The flights and supervision run to over $2,000 per visit. No parent should do supervised visitation. It’s bad for the children, bad for the father, and allows courts invent false findings to further endanger the father.
A follow-up post on the Save James Facebook group added:
I will continue to pray for the father and the two boys. I understand his decision. This is a sad, sad outcome. Perhaps God will intervene before something permanent is done to James. Please God, protect these children from this evil.