Blaire White (born Robert Ryan White) is a transgender YouTuber influencer and political commentator who makes his living talking about feminism and transgender issues. Notably, he’s known to be on the more conservative side of the political spectrum, endorsing Trump for President in 2024 and regularly appearing on conservative podcast and talk radio when he’s not posting videos mocking wild-eyed progressive trans activists.
White, who is known for his scathing commentary and colorful language, recently tweeted out that he’s sensing a spiritual shift in his soul:
“I can’t believe I’m saying this, because for most of my life I was not someone who felt or spoke this way, but- I am finding my way toward God and it’s the best thing to ever happen to me.”
Blaire previously shared that while he’s not an atheist, religion has never been part of his life, explaining in a 2019 Q &A:
So I am not an atheist, but I’m not a theist either. Honestly, people never believe me when I say this, but religion has literally never been a part of my world. Like, religion has never been an interest of mine, a priority of mine, an activity of mine. Like, my family took me to church a little bit when I was younger, but then they kind of stopped.
And I just never really cared about the whole, “is God real? Is he not real? Is the Bible true? Is the Bible not true?” Like, it was just never a part of my world. I’ve always been more focused on like what I can see in front of me, what’s tangible.
That doesn’t mean I’m an atheist who’s like, ‘God’s not real’, but I’m also not a believer in God either. So it’s just truly not part of my world. I never think about it unless one of you guys asks about it. That’s the only time I think about it. Seriously.
Pray for Blaire, that the Holy Spirit would convict him of his sin, and that he would repent and receive and believe the gospel.
Being watching Blaire White's spiritual transformation, it's been in several o his videos or the last year or so, hints that God is drawing him to Him. In fact, Blaire time and time again calls a lot of the woke activist demonic, and he's not wrong. Blaire often calls out evil more than I see most "Christian" ministries doing. He has mentioned several times in videos the Bible and finding God, but you'd have to be paying close attention. I've seen it for a while that he seems to be being drawn to God. I keep praying or his his salvation and de-transition, which is gonna be rough, but I think will help a lot of people see the truth. I also hope if he is converted, he doesn't make videos or a while, but he has already pulled back on making videos or a long time. Pray for people like Buck Angel too, a former porn star turned "trans man", she is someone who criticizes the trans community like Blaire as well.