The Theology of Furries. Or Furology, If You Will
I glanced up from my phone, while sitting in my pickup truck at the local post office, and saw a woman in a furry costume skipping down the street. I looked back down and kept scrolling. Of course, I’ve seen it before and determined not give attention to people who are begging for it.
A few moments later, and she was standing at my driver-side door, nose to glass. I made a “shoo” motion with my hand and she smiled and sauntered off.
I got out of the pickup and made eye contact with an older woman, mouth gaped open, staring at the sight of the woman walk away in her unicorn costume.
“What the hell was that?” she asked me, turning back around to stare slack-jawed at the sight.
“That’s a furry,” I said matter-of-factly.
Without removing her eyes from the disappearing unicorn, I could tell that she was a straight-up and old-school hill woman, without the slightest frame of reference to understand what I told her.
“A what?” she asked again.
How could I convey it in a way she would understand? I responded, “That’s a Kamala Harris supporter.”
The woman responded with a level of bewilderment usually reserved for otherworldly phenomenon and just responded, “I’ll be. Never seen one of them before.”
A subculture, sociologically speaking, is a smaller culture within a larger culture that’s divergent on one or more issues, but typically identifies with the larger culture. An example of this might be the the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, run by its National Director, Thom Robb. They view themselves as a part of orthodox Christianity and classical conservatism, but they’ve obviously posted-up in a racist niche, rejecting the wide tent of mainstream conservative Christianity. But all in all, Robb’s Ku Klux Klan doesn’t want to oppose Christian or conservative institutions; it wants to control them.
A counter-culture, on the other hand, rejects more than a few of the values and norms of the larger culture, and presents alternative ways, habits, traditions, customs, or viewpoints that oppose the larger culture. An example of this would be the “survivalist community,” at one time headed up by Kurt Saxon, who advocated for an entirely different and separate culture from any historic American institution. They claim society is going to collapse, and people need to separate from it now while they have a chance.
I use the examples of both Thom Robb and Kurt Saxon, only because I interviewed them for my Masters-level work obtaining my history degree, and used their philosophies to explain the difference between subcultures and counter-cultures. Thom Robb, by the way, is still alive and is a very affable man who is very wrong on almost everything. Kurt Saxon, on the other hand, was an absolute lunatic and smelled like cat urine, and was right about almost everything.
Sometimes it’s weird that personal pleasantness and positional correctness are often juxtaposed.
But there is a third category that’s important for this discussion on furries, and that’s anti-culture. An anti-culture rejects the values and norms of society (just as counter-cultures do), but it goes one step further. It tries to undermine, disrupt, or destroy the culture it opposes. The survivalist counter-culture I mentioned above doesn’t want to destroy anything; survivalists just want to find a cabin deep in the woods and be left alone. But an anti-culture wants to actively disrupt the cultural norms of others.
The Furries (who I refuse to call a “community” because communities share values, not deviancies) are fundamentally anti-cultural. They not only reject social and cultural norms, but they want to disrupt them.
Furries dress up in costumes of furry animals, develop a “Fursona” (animal identity and alternate personality) and associate with others who do the same. Some go out publicly in their costumes, and some do not. Most do not believe that they’re actually another species, but engage in the practice as make-believe.
The first Furry convention was held in 1989 in Southern California. Furries first developed in about 1977 at the Comics/Fantasy Organization, and they dressed in Furry costumes at other conventions in SoCal starting in about 1986, but in 1989, they split off with their own convention. It was organized by two sodomites, Mark Merino and Rod O’Riley. Samuel Conway, a medical and pharmaceutical researcher with an impressive professional resume’ is a furry and described the Furry Convention as “looking like Pride Fest” (a gathering for homosexuals) by the sixth year.
Most Furry advocacy groups downplay the correlation between homosexuals and furries, but many plainly admit it because, frankly, it’s undeniable. Most furries practice a sexually debased lifestyle.
According to FurScience, about 85% of Furries are men (once you factor in the “transgender women” who are actually men), and only 30% of them are exclusively heterosexual. The others are on the LGBTQ spectrum of unnatural affection. That’s pretty overwhelming. In other words, they’re about five times as likely as normal people to identify as LGBTQ.
The vast majority of Furries are white, which accounts for about 90% of them. About 60% are currently enrolled in college, and the majority of them over under the age of 25. Furries are twice as likely to have been bullied as kids, and most report that their Furry fantasy is a self-therapy to overcome psychological or emotional issues.
There are different opinions as to how many Furries practice a sexual fetish related to Furryism, but it’s most. Often, their advocacy groups claim it has nothing to do with sexual desire, but it seems pretty unbelievable from looking inside Furry forums, Furry conventions, or wherever they gather. Given that upwards of 70% are homosexual, it’s doubtful that it plays no role whatsoever for them sexually.
And yes, they indeed engage in sexual relations in their costumes.
A 2019 study of 300 Furries indicated that 99% of them reported a sexual motivation or component to their costume lifestyle. See below.
Do Furries practice bestiality, or suffer from zoophilia? It’s hard to say how many, considering that more than 70% of them keep their “Fursona” identity a secret from family members, and so there’s no good way to track arrests for that behavior, and it’s unlikely most would self-report that on surveys. But yes, a number of prominent furries have acknowledged to suffering from zoophilia (a sexual desire for animals). One such prominent Furry, a YouTube Furry named Sapho, came out as a Zoophile in 2021. And when they did, many Furries reported having the same desire.
Nonetheless, tragic reports have been made of Furries – sometimes whole groups of them – abusing children.
And yes, they’ve also been caught sexually abusing animals. See below.
Furries often demand accommodations from the public. A search for “school litter boxes” will reveal “fact-checkers” calling this claim a myth, but I can tell you personally from my childhood friend who is a superintendent that one of his schools does indeed provide litter boxes to high schoolers (not in the hallway, but in the bathroom).
Most Furry accommodations, however, are related to mental health issues. Employees often demand dress code exceptions, time off to engage in Furry-related activities, and some try to pigeon hole Furry costuming into the U.S. Equal Employment law because “Individuals who identify as non-human animals report a sexual aspect to their practice” and are, therefore, protected under laws that prohibit discrimination based upon sex or gender.
Is the Furry phenomenon just another bizarre part of living in 2025? Or, perhaps, there something much, much deeper to it all?
My good friends, there is nothing as simple as it at first looks. The longer I live, the more convinced I am that the principalities and powers of darkness in high places truly do direct the sins of the age like maestros might conduct an orchestra. Very little in this world is left to chance, if in God’s providence chance exists at all.
When you see something that is obviously a dumb thing, and possibly a bad thing, rest assured that it is likely a demonic thing. Why? Things of God are neither dumb not bad, and very little if anything in this universe is neutral.
Rest assured, if a cultural trend – or societal taboo – has not arisen from the Holy Scriptures or as a move of the Holy Ghost – it’s arisen from an altogether different kind of spirit.
I would also add that Satan does not play poker without stakes. He does not play cards without fortunes being in the pot. Simply put, the devil does nothing for the sheer innocent jollies of it. He is a conniver. He is a schemer, a plotter, a planner. I wouldn’t recommend you look at the world through the devil’s eyes, but if you could, what plan is he hatching with the Furry phenomenon? What is his goal?
Our tendency as Christians is only to laugh at thing, as though it is harmless and trivial, especially when overweight, effeminate, upper-class white kids dress up in costumes resembling blue foxes or pink kittens. What a ridiculous enemy they would be, so we think, surely they are not enemies at all.
And perhaps, that’s right. They’re probably not, in so far as they crap in the toilet in the correct gender’s bathroom and don’t drag any children with them. But the god of this age, the Prince of the Air, who watches and oversees the children of men, is no laughable, LARPing nerd. He is a stone-cold killer. He devours men. He swallows cultures. He sodomizes virtue. He is a beast.
So the question for us in this, is what’s his plan with the weirdos? What’s his angle? I’ll tell you.
Let his mind be changed from that of a man, and let him be given the mind of a beast till seven times pass him by. This decision is the decree of the watchers… (Daniel 4:16)
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Daniel 4:16, the verse above, is the prophecy toward Nebuchadnezzar given by Daniel. Some time between 605BC to 562BC, during his reign, Nebuchadnezzar made a really dumb proclamation about himself. He said, “Is this not Babylon the Great that I myself have built for the royal house by my own strength and might and for the glory of my majesty?” (Daniel 4:30).
Oofta. Bad idea, braggart. God exalts the humble but casts down the proud (Psalm 147:6). And cast down, God did.
According to verse 33 of that chapter, Nebuchadnezzar lost his mind, ran out into the fields, ate grass, lived outside in the dew and rain, grew out his hair, and let his fingernails grow as long as eagle’s talons.
Interestingly, this isn’t the only historical account of Nebuchadnezzar’s pride as it pertains to this passage in Daniel. Eusebius quotes a contemporary historian in Nebuchadnezzar’s timeline, Megasthenes, claiming that when Nebuchadnezzar made his prideful statement “that as he went up into his palace he was possessed by some god.”
Possessed, you don’t say?
Several Babylonian cuneiform tablets also give contemporaneous accounts of Nebuchadnezzar’s abject mental illness in this state. Of course, we don’t need those to know this happened, because it’s in the Bible.
God was going to humble Nebuchadnezzar for seven years, and he humbled him by making him like an animal. The devil, who is God’s devil, did what devils do and enticed the king with pride. In other words, the devil’s temptations fell right into God’s plans (as they always do).
Ultimately, God wants man to flourish and become like him. Transhumanism (which I’ve written about several times recently), is another scheme of the devil, promises that man cannot only become like God, but can eventually and actually become god (and there’s a big difference between the two).
Satan promises men godhood, but of course, Satan doesn’t really want men to become greater, or wiser, or smarter, or better. Satan’s promise is a bait-and-switch. Satan really wants men to become debased, to become lower, to be destroyed, to be impoverished, and to become dumber.
God, who formed man out of dust, made man to be like God. Satan, on the other hand, is now forced to “crawl in the dust” from which man came (Genesis 3:14). Satan is now relegated as lower than men, and his goal is to bring men down to him.
To explain this concept, of the devil’s goal of making men little more than animals, I’ll draw your attention to Solomon’s statements about men and beasts in Ecclesiastes, while he was in “the Far Country” (or in other words, while his heart was far from God).
“I said in mine heart concerning the estate of the sons of men, that God might manifest them, and that they might see that they themselves are beasts. For that which befalleth the sons of men befalleth beasts; even one thing befalleth them: as the one dieth, so dieth the other; yea, they have all one breath; so that a man hath no preeminence above a beast: for all is vanity. All go unto one place; all are of the dust, and all turn to dust again. Who knoweth the spirit of man that goeth upward, and the spirit of the beast that goeth downward to the earth?”
You must be careful with Ecclesiastes. It’s full of bad advice, because it’s not really advice at all. It’s Solomon, explaining the various phases of his wild oat-sowing. Eventually, he figures out the meaning of life, but throughout the book, he examines and explains his various existential crises.
It was in the wrong frame of mind, when his mind was far from God, that he came to the conclusion that men are nothing but bipedal beasts. We are, in fact, very different from animals. But Solomon’s spiritual blindness during this stage of his life, led him to believe animals and beasts were the same.
The bigger picture of Furryism might be helped by a clear reality; Furries aren’t Christians. Not real ones, anyway. Genuine believers don’t pretend to be animals. Of course, Satan has some of them pretending to know God, just because he’s such a pervert. See below.
As you can see, some “Christian” Furry groups exist. I assume some demons got a chuckle and bought a domain that will last a few years.
My point is, the man dressing up as a Furry to commit sodomy on other men in Furry costumes is obviously far from God. And even if it didn’t include homosexuality, as for 70% of them it does, there’s still Satan’s thumbprint on it. Men are reverting to beasts.
Satan’s attempts to make man revert to the animal kingdom, throughout history, are multitudinous. It seems bizarre to us, but it wouldn’t have seemed so bizarre to most throughout human history.
Furries are a sub-culture of a group known as “Therianthropes.” That term comes from the Greek “ther” (meaning “animal”) and “anthropos” (meaning “person” or “human”). And the history of Therianthropes is extensive.
Therianthropes, sometimes just called “Therians” often believe they are animals, which most Furries do not. But many Therianthropes haven’t historically, but they’ve identified as animals (as Furries do).
The oldest existing cave paintings known to man depict humans morphing into animals, probably as a description of religious rites. Superstitious lore throughout the ages have told tale – which many believed – of humans becoming animals either temporarily or permanently, and usually as a part of cultic worship.
The famous “berserkers” of Scandinavian lore, are actually not mythical at all. They were part of pagan culture in Northern Europe who members of one of the three animal-related cults (the others included the boar and the wolf). But the berserkers were a part of the cult of the bear. It was said that during battle, they would be overcome with the “spirit of the bear” and be taken over by spiritual possession of a wild beast. When this happened they fought ferociously, blood-drunk, killing anything and everything around them (including their allies and fellow tribal members). The root word of “berserk” is “bear” and that’s why you’ve heard the term, “going berserk.”
In the 1500s and 1600s, many were put to death with (what they believed were) credible accusations of morphing into wildlife, most commonly the wolf (and that’s where we get the legend of the werewolf).
“The Religious Systems of China” (1901) examines animalistic practices in the ancient Far East. The 1951 book, “A History of the Japanese People from the Earliest Times to the End of the Meiji Era” also speaks extensively of animalistic practices in Japan. Most ancient cultic religions include beliefs in human and animal crossovers, especially in the artwork we’ve found in Egyptian tombs.
Native American cultures heavily lean upon Animalistic traits in their cultic religions, lifting up animals as exemplars for which humans should aspire to be like. Literally all over the world, during all ages, humans have imagined becoming like the animals – not as a curse – but as a blessing.
Contrast this, then, with the utter absence of these notions in Christian cultures. Anyone who came close to the hope of becoming like the beasts, was most often executed in the most horrific ways. Christians have simply never tolerated this imagined world, and have treated it with utter contempt and hostility.
Should we, then, treat the Furry movement as though it is innocent enough? It is not innocent enough. It’s not innocent at all. And it’s not only an affront to God, who made humans higher than the animals, it speaks of a profound spiritual lostness and plague of this mentally ill social contagion. America is not okay.
My friends, when you see something queer, or weird, consider who designed it. God makes things that are beautiful and orderly. Satan is the one who perverts the beautiful, and renders it hideous.
No cultural oddity, no societal fad of weirdness, is as innocent as one might, at first, think. The demons around us are far more involved than what we might think.
This post was originally published behind the paywall at Insight to Incite, but is made available for free to Protestia Insiders.