We are bringing the news that BIG TECH doesn’t want you to have, directly to your inbox.
Majority of the British approve of government spying via their cellphone
FBI says removing people from Twitter/Facebook makes it harder to stop terrorism
While hordes are approaching our border, the military has been deployed against Americans
Biden official says “climate change” is caused by systemic racism
Sen. Ernst points out that the Senate can’t impeach someone who isn’t president
As hordes approach our border, Biden promises amnesty for all illegal aliens
Mitch McConnell signals that he will support impeachment
Twitter suspends Gateway Pundit account for providing real news
“Christian” social media influencer says she’ll strip for cash
Senate will vote to bar Trump from running for reelection
Comey calls for Republican Party to be “burned to the ground”
CNN anchor says Republicans aren’t allowed to celebrate MLK
Beth Moore says God is judging America for electing Trump
Biden picks a tranny to help run healthcare
Southern Baptist pastor says Biden’s tranny pick is ‘qualified’ to lead health care
Tucker Carlson begs Trump to pardon Assange
It appears to some that Biden has a body double
Woman beat up at Trump rally loses job (she’s the victim)
Deaths from Covid vaccine continues to rise
State Department releases evidence that COVID-19 was made in Wuhan lab
Retailers drop ‘MyPillow’ because its founder, Mike Lindell, supports Trump
Social Justice commie blog, The “Gospel” Coalition, makes vaccines a gospel issue
Gideon Knox Group
Big Sky Public Policy Institute
Pulpit & Pen
Montana Daily Gazette
Montana Gazette Radio
Mile High Evening News
Reformation Charlotte