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SPECIAL NOTICE: Hey guys, JD here. We went ad-free across all of our various news platforms a few months ago. It was, to put a certain way, an experiment to get around Big Tech censors and to see if it would drive people to our Patreon accounts. But, no such luck. So instead, we have placed ads back on the websites and are now offering those same articles you see at our publications FOR FREE and WITHOUT ADS here in The Insurgency Email Blast. Here’s some good news; if you’re already a subscriber, you’ll get the news articles at the bottom of the email, categorized as either Polemics (Religion/Theology) or Politics, as Gideon Knox Group does both. So then, whether Protestia or Montana Daily Gazette, all subscribers will get the ad-free versions here in the email.
To see those articles in full, without ads, just go to the bottom of this Substack email for the category of Gideon Knox stories that interest you. Sorry about today’s MDG articles, it’s “under construction” putting this task together. You’ll get them all on Friday.
Here’s the thing, the ad-free versions will only come on the news days just for our paid subscribers (Monday, Wednesday, and Friday). Today’s edition is just a teaser treat hoping some of you free-loaders pay the $5.95 to join up and help.
AT: Can Americans still beat Democrat voter fraud?
Ending Social Media Censorship And The Meteoric Rise Of Substack
Biden Pentagon Spokesman John Kirby Doesn’t Know How Many Americans Are Still In Afghanistan
Peter Schiff: Biden's Rent Gambit
Judge reverses decision, allows unvaccinated mom to see her son
The wall of vaccine opposition might be starting to crumble
HHS Puts Focus on Climate Change, Health Equity with New Office
WH’s Sullivan Won’t Rule Out Giving Aid to Taliban — ‘It’s Going to Be Up to Them’
Joe Biden Bored With Honoring the American Soldiers His Stubborn Incompetence killed?
House GOP urges Dems to delay $3.5T spending package amid domestic, foreign woes
Pentagon Press Secretary Excuses Abandonment of Civilians, Military Equipment in Afghanistan
California’s Newsom Stages Photo Op Cleaning Up Homeless Camp Before Recall
UPDATE: Instagram Backtracks on Deleted Account of Mother of Slain Marine
Scientists Warn About New Hyper-Infectious South African Variant
The CDC’s Woke Language Guide Is Doing More Than Making Conversation Harder
Op-Ed: Thabiti Anyabwile Can’t See Difference Between Abortion Holocaust and COVID-19
Breakthrough covid cases reach majority levels in some jurisdictions but numbers elude CDC
Smackdown: Founder Dismantles WashPost Blaming Climate Change for Hurricane Ida
AOC, Tlaib, Pressley call on Biden to dump Powell as Fed chair
Gateway Pundits Launches Site to Focus on Americans Illegally Held Due to Wrong Views
CDC Advisory Panel Hints It Won't Back Biden's Booster Jab Plan
Homeschool Interest In Texas Jumps 5 Fold From 2020 Record
More: Chicago judge reverses decision, will allow unvaccinated mom to see her son after all
Biden waived congressional mandate for report on risks of U.S. troop withdrawal in Afghanistan
Jim Quinn: "A Critically-Thinking Person Might Look At The Delta Data & Conclude..."
Bomb-laden drone targets Saudi airport, wounding 8, says state TV
Why Did Michael Byrd Fire Just A Single Shot?
Meet The Marxist Revolutionaries Behind California’s Emerging Ethnic Studies For Public Schools
Biden's and Democrats' 2022 hopes depend on voters forgetting about botched Afghanistan withdrawal
NGO Capture: How George Soros Bought out the UN Human Rights Commissioner
The Top Five Lies About Islam You Probably Learned in Church
New study shows massive increase in childhood obesity since lockdowns
Sanders joins effort to save Newsom, calls recall initiative "bold-faced Republican power grab'
Russell Moore lies about Afghani refugee vetting
Tell that to the Abandoned: CBS Rips Biden Admin Spinning Afghan Crisis
Sen. Cotton: Biden Kept His Promises to Taliban But Not to Americans
It wasn’t long ago (2015) that David French was arguing against liberalism in the church and for religious liberty of conscience. Fast forward a little bit (2019), and David French is advocating for our God-given liberty to be used as a license for immorality (Jude 4) and for the noble character of the abject failure that is President Joe Biden.
Fast forward to the era of forced vaccination, and David French finds himself mindlessly shilling for the destruction of personal liberty at the request of an ever-more-powerful and godless government. French purports to speak for evangelical Christianity while instead acting as an apologist for the religion of the state. He is too smart to claim ignorance and instead is most certainly acting out of malice. His “civil society is morally neutral” political theology is – at best – controlled opposition, and at worst a deeply damaging false religion lulling believers into taking off the full armor of God and putting down the sword of the Spirit at the very moment the enemy is at the gates. His role in societal and evangelical discourse is to lecture pew-sitting evangelicals from his ivory tower on the virtues of biblically divorced, state libertinism (masquerading as political libertarianism), generational guilt for systemic racism, and now the “neighbor-loving” virtues of vaccine mandates.
Earlier today, French published a piece on the never-Trump and Baby Murderer Biden-enabling The Dispatch entitled “It’s Time to Stop Rationalizing and Enabling Evangelical Vaccine Rejection.” For those who don’t know, The Dispatch is the brainchild of largely irrelevant “conservatives” Jonah Goldberg, Stephen Hayes, and Toby Stock – founded after Hayes allowed the conservative magazine The Weekly Standard to fizzle into non-existence as real conservatives grew tired of their self-indulgent never-Trumpism. French joined the rest of the Never Trumpers there in 2019, where he is a senior editor and current darling stooge of the liberal evangelical elite – palling around with the likes of fake conservatives Russell Moore and Al Mohler. While he has historically litigated for religious liberty, his current relevance (versus the rest of his Dispatch comrades) stems from his position as the go-to “respectable” evangelical apologist for state power and cowardly Christian capitulation.
In French’s article, he starts by parroting the now denied state claim that the vaccine stops the spread of the virus and laments that evangelical rank-and-file are not falling for the lie that asserting one’s medical freedom (and thus standing up for the medical freedom of their fellow citizens) is “gravely wrong and dangerous to the lives and health of their fellow citizens.” How a person failing to take a vaccine has any bearing on another’s life or health is a question French is neither willing nor able to answer in light of mounting data demonstrating that vaccines do not stop or slow the spread of respiratory diseases, neither is he willing to call something “gravely wrong” a sin lest he is forced to defend his absurd position with actual scripture.
At issue is whether or not an employer has the right to force vaccines on its employees, and whether religious convictions can be appealed to by an employee seeking to remain unvaccinated and employed. Employers “mandate” many things as conditions of employment – what we wear, how we operate, when we do our work – that are material to the job at hand. Yet issues of personal liberty – what we eat, where we live, who we marry – are issues of individual conscience, and employers would be rightly forbidden from usurping this authority for themselves as a pretext for employment. The God-given rights of life and liberty are unquestionably instituted by the biblical prohibitions against murder and theft (among others within the Ten Commandments) as well as the liberty necessarily implied by an individual’s responsibility to respond to God.
So are vaccines analogous to an employee safety protocol (like requiring hand washing before returning to food preparation) or a personal medical choice (like taking a flu shot)? Is taking a vaccine an issue of communal necessity, or one of freedom of conscience? Christians calling for religious exemptions see the violation of conscience that is compelled vaccination – a usurpation of the autonomy that rightly allows them to honor God in bodily submission (1 Corinthians 6:19-20). To Christians, the body rightly falls under God’s jurisdiction, not an employer or a government.
In arguing for vaccination as a community responsibility, French predictably returns to the Faucian trough of disinformation andnoble lies, claiming that “it is clear that much (though certainly not all) of our remaining refusal problem is not one of information but one of moral formation itself.” He fails to acknowledge the censorship, de-platforming, and de-personing of any doctor or scientist not towing the government line and instead places the blame for liberty-insistent Christians refusing the vaccine on our lack of moral formation, with no respect at all for the conscience of Christians as ministered to by the Holy Spirit. French says we’re not getting vaccinated because we don’t know the difference between right and wrong.
Then he steps in it by appealing to the great reformer Martin Luther.
Like the COVID-fearful liberals at Christianity Today and Relevant Magazine, French idiotically appeals to Martin Luther’s letter to Johann Hess to argue for the righteousness of vaccine mandates (even though vaccines didn’t exist in the 16th century), claiming that Luther’s decision to engage in basic hygienic precautions during the plague even as he continued to minister was proof that Christians were morally obligated to receive a COVID-19 vaccine. Never mind the fact that Luther was in the midst of Bubonic Plague – a bacterial infection that does not spread from person to person and is not slowed by vaccination, rendering Luther’s recommended precautions of fumigation, air purification, and social distancing entirely useless.
French claims:
It is incumbent on the Christian to take care of themselves, including by taking medicine “in order not to become contaminated” (a nice definition of a vaccine before vaccines were invented). To the extent that he or she takes risks, those risks should be on behalf of others. As a person created in the image of God, taking care of yourself is an independent good. Taking care of yourself so that you can care for others is an even nobler good.
To David French, we should take care of ourselves in order to be available to take care of others, but we shouldn’t have the liberty to determine how we take care of ourselves. That’s for the government and smarter people like David French to decide for us.
Ironically and in a direct and stinging rebuke to French and his ilk, the thrust of Luther’s letter to Hess is actually one of Christian liberty and freedom of conscience. Luther writes of Christians who ministered in the face of plague versus those who chose to flee in fear, choosing not to judge either position:
To begin with, some people are of the firm opinion that one need not and should not run away from a deadly plague. Rather, since death is God’s punishment, which he sends upon us for our sins, we must submit to God and with a true and firm faith patiently await our punishment. They look upon running away as an outright wrong and as lack of belief in God. Others take the position that one may properly flee, particularly if one holds no public office.
I cannot censure the former for their excellent decision. They uphold a good cause, namely, a strong faith in God, and deserve commendation because they desire every Christian to hold to a strong, firm faith. It takes more than a milk faith to await a death before which most of the saints themselves have been and still are in dread. Who would not acclaim these earnest people to whom death is a little thing? They willingly accept God’s chastisement, doing so without tempting God, as we shall hear later on.
Since it is generally true of Christians that few are strong and many are weak, one simply cannot place the same burden upon everyone.
Later in the letter, Luther encouraged Christian ministry in the face of death:
Those who are engaged in a spiritual ministry such as preachers and pastors must likewise remain steadfast before the peril of death. We have a plain command from Christ, “A good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep but the hireling sees the wolf coming and flees” (John 10:11). For when people are dying, they most need a spiritual ministry which strengthens and comforts their consciences by word and sacrament and in faith overcomes death.
And in near-direct opposition to the David French-ian position that fearfully submitting to COVID lockdowns, distancing, and vaccines is loving our neighbors, Luther warns Christians against protecting themselves from disease lest we fail to love:
It is not forbidden but rather commanded that by the sweat of our brow we should seek our daily food, clothing, and all we need and avoid destruction and disaster whenever we can, as long as we do so without detracting from our love and duty toward our neighbor. How much more appropriate it is therefore to seek to preserve life and avoid death if this can be done without harm to our neighbor, inasmuch as life is more than food and clothing, as Christ himself says in Matthew 6:25. If someone is so strong in faith, however, that he can willingly suffer nakedness, hunger, and want without tempting God and not trying to escape, although he could do so, let him continue that way, but let him not condemn those who will not or cannot do the same.
Luther also answered the question of whether the Christian response to the threat from disease should differ from our response to the threat of persecution:
Yes, you may reply, but these examples do not refer to dying by pestilence but to death under persecution. Answer: Death is death, no matter how it occurs. According to Holy Scripture God sent his four scourges: pestilence, famine, sword, and wild beasts. If it is permissible to flee from one or the other in clear conscience, why not from all four?
Luther consistently sets up God as the authority over life and death, and obedience to Him the Christian duty over every other concern:
We must pray against every form of evil and guard against it to the best of our ability in order not to act contrary to God, as was previously explained. If it be God’s will that evil come upon us and destroy us, none of our precautions will help us. Everybody must take this to heart: first of all, if he feels bound to remain where death rages in order to serve his neighbor, let him commend himself to God and say, “Lord, I am in thy hands; thou hast kept me here; thy will be done. I am thy lowly creature. Thou canst kill me or preserve me in this pestilence in the same way as if I were in fire, water, drought, or any other danger.”
David French, on the other hand, deferred to state power and “science” in response to COVID-19, arguing that as long as the state had a compelling interest (controlling a pandemic) and “the science says that being in a room with a bunch of people facilitates the spread of the disease” (hint: it always does and will continue to), the government can close our churches and religious liberty doesn’t matter. French encouraged pastors to abandon the flock in the face of peril. He continues to act as a faithful, cowardly fool for the state, deferring to secular bureaucrats every single time in the name of Christian love no matter how often they lie to us or how much authority they wrongfully usurp.
French has the nerve to accuse Christians who rightly stand up for the individual right to choose one’s medical treatment (along with Martin Luther) of libertinismbecause we do not accept his warped state-worship that makes government the determiner of godliness rather than the subject of it. French’s worldview is one that sees liberty in Drag Queen Story Hour, but libertinism and immorality in a person being able to choose their own medical treatments.
David French is a modern-day Pharisee, placing legal burdens on the shoulders of Christians that are not only biblically indefensible – he can’t even twist Martin Luther’s words to defend them.
[Contributed by David Morrill]
Charismatic Pastor Dies After Burying Himself for 3 days in Attempt to Recreate Jesus’ Resurrection
A pastor in Africa has died after he, in an effort to prove he was a messenger from God, buried himself for three days while pledging he would rise again.
James Sakara, a 22-year-old Pastor from Zion Church in Chadiza, Zambia, desired to demonstrate to his congregation that he had the anointing from the Lord and could perform the miraculous by insisting on being buried alive in an underground tomb for three days. Though they were skeptical, he was able to convince three members with his scheme, binding his hands and buying him under three feet of dirt.
Because his theological knowledge was clearly lacking, before he attempted his resurrection, he quoted Jesus’s instructions at the last supper “do this in remembrance of me’ and insisted it referred to being buried and resurrected, and not about taking communion.
After being dug up three days later and finding a dead corpse, congregation members attempted to conduct a series of rituals to “complete” the resurrection, but their results were in vain.
Source: Daily Mail and several Zambian TV and Radio stations. As we delved into the veracity of this story, an alternate minority account has Sakara being a ‘faith healer’ of some sort who occupied a position of prominence in the church but was not the pastor perse, with the rest of the details the same.
h/t to Revealing Truth for the story
Yes, Ads are Back at Protestia. Here’s How to Get Rid of Them (Easily).
After years of griping about advertisements at Pulpit & Pen (and now Protestia), we listened and went ad-free. First, we are super-super thankful for our hundreds and hundreds of Patreon supporters who make it possible to pay our writers, the tech, the Polemics Report, and all the necessary equipment, insurance, and etc to make an operation like ours work. You guys are awesome.
After more than a decade of being the most effective and active polemics ministry in the world, we dumped the ads because we reached the point of patronage it wasn’t necessary. But here’s the thing…it turns out the trans-mob doesn’t like us much and they’re litigious. And although we raised a ton of cash for our legal defense just by asking for it (thanks, guys), the Big Banks (thanks, Chase) decided to hold onto it for a while (we wrote about that here just a few hours ago). But we don’t give up that easily.
We still have fights to fight, and right now we’re scrambling financially. We hoped that by going ad-free we’d see a big jump in patronage out of sheer appreciation. But…not exactly. We have seen about a 20% increase, but not enough to do without the ad revenue.
And so, here’s how this is going to work. If you go over to Patreon and subscribe for $5.95 a month, one of of your benefits you receive is a free PAID subscription to The Insurgency news blasts. That’s on top of getting the full Polemics Report podcast and not just the truncated free version on the Bible Thumping Wingnut’s RSS feeds. A reminder: It’s not automatic; upon signing up at Patreon, you need to email and ask to be added to The Insurgency.
If you’re wondering what the heck that is, Gideon Knox Group (our publishing organization) has established a team of “news hounds” that scour hundreds of sources for news links likely to be banned by Big Tech (Facebook, Google, etc) and sends 50 or so news links directly to your email three days per week (for free) or six days per week for $7 a month or $70 per year.
We’ve already done the work of “news-hounding” for years, which is why you often see exciting or new headlines at Protestia FIRST. So our thought was, “Why not just take all the links being banned by Big Tech and send them directly to people’s email directly?”
When some of our publications got banned for stuff like calling Bruce Jenner a man or pointing out all the wildfire arsonists last year were Antifa activists – and especially when election fraud “conspiracy theorists” started getting banned – we thought it was the least we could do to get you the news, and it helps pay the guys who do all the work (because I’m primarily a pastor and stuff).
It has already been a Patreon reward, which saves you a whopping $1 per month than if you paid for The Insurgency by itself (which would still be worth it if you care about what’s really going on in the world).
However, back to those ads everybody hates…
The Insurgency will now include the articles written and published by Gideon Knox Group publications, ad-free, divided into two categories; polemical and political. That means you’ll get the ad-free articles sent directly to your inboxas a part of your daily email six days per week for paid subscribers (sorry, we don’t make our guys work on Sunday). You won’t even have to type in our URL and can avoid the website altogether (this will kill our web rank, but we conquered that a long time ago and already got the t-shirt).
The email will be super easy to navigate; polemical news articles, political news articles, and then the regular 50-banned links, all categorized separately for your viewing and browsing convenience (all without an ad in sight).
Remember, you can sign up directly at Substack for The Insurgency, or you can get it for a buck cheaper at Patreon plus all the other benefits. So unless you’re bad at math (I’m with you; listen to my last sermon), and decision-making, it’s waaaaay better to just bite the bullet and become a patron. You can do so by clicking this link here.
And if you hate the ads and don’t want to support us financially, might the Lord bless you richly anyway. But if so, please don’t complain about the ads.
Pastor’s Wife Stands up During Service and Rebukes Elders for Cancelling Husband: Some Context:
A pastor’s wife stood up during service, grabbed the microphone, and went on to rebuke the congregation and the rest of the leaders and elders for trying to cancel her husband, accusing them of demonstrating false repentance for their role in their treatment of him.
Steve Berger was the pastor of Grace Chapel in Franklin, Tennessee, a church he founded 25 years ago and whose members include Tennessee Governor Bill Lee. Berger attended the capitol hill riots on January 6th and came under sustained criticism after live-streaming the event and reporting that Antifa was there causing all the trouble, an act he later apologized for.
Within weeks he resigned from the church and stepped down, announcing that rather than continue on as their pastor, he would be starting a new ministry for influencers in Washington, D.C. This allegedly has been in the works for a while prior to this. The transition, however, has not been smooth, with conflict arising between Berger and the new pastor, Rob Rogers. Despite resigning, Berger stayed on in some capacity as the transition took place and felt that he was being constantly undermined as he moved out.
It was this conflict between the outgoing and incoming pastor that caused the eruption during the service. During the meeting, multiple elders and pastors came on stage and apologized for the messiness and conflict that has been battering them in the months since. In a message to the church, several minutes before the bulk of the action went down, Pastor Rob Rogers took the mic and said:
In the absence of clarity during this transition period there have been moments where I have pushed too hard and too fast and at the root of that is pride. And as a result I have caused offense to be taken. From me to the family of Grace Chapel I am deeply sorry for any hurt confusion or frustration that my part has caused
…because of the difficulty in the transition, there has been a strain placed on the relationship between Steve and myself. Offenses have been taken, wounding has happened on both sides and there’s been a level of skepticism toward one another in this process that is neither right nor good.”
As the elders and pastors came on stage and each acknowledges their role in how this went down and calling for a time of prayer and repentance, Sarah Berger, Steve’s wife, took the microphone and let loose, saying that their claim to be ‘owning their part’ in the situation and confirming their complicity is different than being ‘repentant.’ Starting at the 9:35 mark.
You guys this is just the truth. You cannot have reconciliation without the truth. It’s impossible. We all know it. Jesus 101: “you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.” And then at that point you are in a place of making a decision for yourself. You need to walk in forgiveness, you need to walk into repentance, but let me say right now there was no repentance in what Rob just did up here. He didn’t repent. He said “I own my part.” He didn’t repent for sinning against my husband, okay?
So from the very inception of this transition has been made manifestly evident that there’s been an endeavor to cancel the founding pastor of Grace Chapel…do I have any authority in this place after 26 years? Let me just tell you. There is no way we can remain in this congregation knowing that at the very helm, Rob Rogers and Mark Bright (executive pastor at Grace) have been working behind the scenes to literally cancel us…the tipping point was when a maligning letter went out from Rob Rogers and Bob Bright to all the elders and the financial board maligning my husband as being a “Christian extremist.” That is the truth. You need to know the truth- FEED CUT
In a statement by the Elder board to the church, they “firmly rebuke the outburst” from Sarah Berger and are “deeply disappointed” in the way she conducted herself, noting that they are “embarrassed and ashamed” at how the events unfolded.
Pastor Steve Berger released his own statement on Facebook late last night, explaining they are “fully moving on” from the church and will no longer preach or teach there, as he had been doing.
He says “I stand by my wife, Sarah, who bravely shared a fraction of the truths around the treatment our family has experienced at the hands of the current leadership team” and says he will continue to pray for the church.
Rick Warren Says Not Wearing Masks is Unloving + Only Vaccinated Members Don’t Have to Wear Masks
Rick Warren, the Lead pastor and overseer of the 25,000 members, 14 campuses Saddleback Church, has recently seen a resurgence from discernment ministries after announcing they were having a “Blacks Only worship service” where no white members were allowed in, so the “black fold” could have a “safe space” to “heal,” blasted white Christians for having no discernment and not caring about black people, and started to ordain women pastrixes.
Now, in an interview with the Barna Group’s ChurchPulse podcast in March 2021, Warren doubles down on statements he made in an interview with Steven Strang of Relevant Magazine in December 2020, where he said churches aren’t actually being persecuted by restrictions, given that concerts and large sports events are likewise closed. At the time he said ‘I don’t want to be a super-spreader. I’m not doing this out of fear; I’m doing this out of love. You wear a mask for love of your neighbors, yourself.“
He meant it. Five months later, Warren eventually opened for outdoor services but in his outdoor services, he now segregates his church in that only the vaccinated members can choose to not wear masks, despite being socially distanced, whereas those who are unvaccinated must mask up. Children who cannot get the vaccine are strongly encouraged to wear masks.
Now, speaking to Carey Nieuwhof, the questions is asked: “Any thoughts about the pastors who are saying, hey, the government’s trying to suppress the church by not allowing us open, or now there’s a conversation about, well, we’re going to get shut down on YouTube or social media accounts because we’re Christians?”
RICK WARREN: “Yeah, I totally reject that idea. And the very fact that people tried to politicize a pandemic is just dumb. This is a safety issue, not a First Amendment issue. Now, you might have a case if everything else opened up except the church, okay? But we’re not being discriminated against.”
… And the Bible says “Love your neighbor as yourself.” The most practical way right now you can love your neighbor as yourself, wear a mask. Okay? And to not wear one basically says, “I don’t care about you, or I don’t even care about your fears.”
… What’s insidious about this is that you could be a carrier and have no symptoms. That’s a problem. I could carry it and not have symptoms. And so when I don’t wear a mask, I’m gambling without knowing that I’m safe, that I’m not harming you.
… I’ve had enormous pressure to reopen the church from my own members. Not from everybody, but from pretty much the people who are watching those three hours [of cable news] every night on TV. And they’re pressuring, “Why aren’t we reopening? Why aren’t we reopening?”
And I’m going: wait a minute. We’re winning more people to Christ than ever before. We got more people in groups than ever before. We’ve got a great ministry to seekers out there through food. All these different things are going on. What’s the problem? We baptized more people. But when they say the pressure’s on, I say this:
As a pastor, God has called me not just to feed the flock but to protect it,and that means protecting it physically as well as emotionally and spiritually. I will one day stand before God and give an account of my leadership to him, how well I shepherded this flock. Did I protect the sheep that God put in the stewardship of me?
I couldn’t imagine going to Heaven and saying that I let people, members, die because I had such an ego I needed a crowd to speak to. I’m not willing to gamble the health of my members to nurse my ego that would like to have a live audience…But then I said, “Are you, those of you members who want me to reopen, are you willing to accept the responsibility, to stand before God one day? I had three members die this week of COVID, okay? Without services. No telling what could happen. Are you willing to accept responsibility for the death of a brother or sister in our family?”
h/t to Woke Preacher TV for the transcripts
The “Revival and Revolution Tour” Coming to Montana Mid-September with Special Theme of 1 Samuel 17:26
Who are these uncircumcised Philistines who challenge the army of the Living God?
David stood amazed. Here is the army of God, including David’s own older brothers, who were just standing there, watching a filthy, venereal-disease-ridden pagan challenge the Almighty. Even as a youth, David knew of God’s mighty deeds and incredible works. He knew of God smashing the Tower of Babel. He knew of God swallowing the wicked generation of Noah in the floodwaters of his wrath. David knew of God splitting the Red Sea and swallowing the Egyptian Army’s chariots and horses in a tidal wave of divine fury. He knew of the conquering of Jericho by nothing but shouts and trumpet blasts. He had read of the Judges, who put an end to God’s enemies by stabbing tent-pegs through the heads of God’s enemies.
Notice that David did not say, “Who is this giant, that he should defy the armies of the Living God?” That Goliath was a giant meant nothing to David. He didn’t even mention it. Again, I reiterate, David did not even mention that Goliath was a giant. It was of no concern to him. His only concern was that an uncircumcised (to the ancient Hebrew, that was an insult) Philistine was mocking Jehovah while God’s Army sat there cowering at him.
Of course, his brothers did not appreciate his obstinance. David’s courage, by default, made them feel as cowards. After all, Goliath was calling out a single man – any man – to fight his 9 foot, 9-inch frame. David, a youth, was nauseously horrified that no one had taken him up on the challenge. What was wrong with them?
And so, as the story goes, David took five stones (he was brave but not presumptuous), sans armor, and marched to the giant, but not before some well-deserved trash talk. Goliath mocked David, seeing his shepherd’s staff and asked if he was nothing but a dog to beaten by such a stick (not seeing the sling and stones).
Not to be outdone in repartee, the future poet-king said, “Thou comest to me with a sword, and with a spear, and with a shield: but I come to thee in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom thou hast defied” and after a few more words, slung a stone between the giant’s eyes. And then, David cut off Goliath’s head with his own sword and dropped it off at the feet of King Saul like a house-cat leaves a mouse on the front step of his master.
We have mountains and minerals, and the globalists want them. We have bodies and the eugenicists demand to jab us like experimental rats. We have trees and forests to plunder, petroleum to drill, and coal to mine. But instead, they want us starved and unable to touch our own natural resources that God gave for the good of man. Why? They want them. They want us to live in a high-rise and multi-family housing crammed into little blue dots that plague our state like cancer, with just enough room in the driveway for our Subarus with ski-racks. They vote to disarm us. Planned Parenthood murders our children. Love Lives Here and the Montana Human Rights Coalition call us racist, bigots, or homophobes. They call us extremists, zealots, and domestic terrorists. And all we want is to be left alone.
We want them to stop murdering people in the womb. We want them to treat us better than lab ferrets. We want them to stop importing wolves, grizzlies, and human traffickers. We want to be free to share our religious opinions without being told we’re bigots. We want to share our political opinions without being told we’re dangerous (freedom is always dangerous to tyrants). And yes, we want to call men, men and women, women without being told that basic awareness of human biology is hateful.
Convinced we are in the majority, we are too often silent, not realizing that the real offense is not to us – but to God – who is being mocked.
In Genesis 9, the sodomites came to Lot’s door in a Gay Pride March and banged on his door to rape his celestial guests. He offered them instead his daughters. To hell with that. I have three daughters, two sons, and the LGBTQ can have them over my dead body. And if my body lay dead, I assure you, there will be many more on the floor first.
Gideon Knox Group publishes websites that remain unafraid of those filthy giants, no matter how big they may be. We will tell the stories the mainstream press won’t tell – like the one about Antifa burning down our national forests, or importing murdered babies for research into Hamilton, or a gang of gothic transvestites haunting the Montana Capitol. We have more than ten years of accumulated writers, editors, news-hounds, admins, employees, contractors, and volunteers who have faced the devil incarnate to stand with truth. Some have been fired from their jobs. Some have been threatened with jail time (for non-existent crimes). Some have been hauled out of public meetings for calling sexual abusers to repent. We have taken the scalps of clergy sexual abusers, child molesters, and deviant monsters. And in our spare time, you’ll find us with a bull horn and Go-Pros at Gay Pride events and abortuaries. In short, we don’t care about being outnumbered (although, in reality, we are not). We don’t care about the cowards on the sidelines. We sure don’t care about the occasional giant with his extra, filthy foreskin shouting imprecations about his might.
We are the Army of God. We fear nothing but Him.
But the time is quickly coming – not because of the power of Satan but the cowardice of men – that the few fighters we have left will be targeted by the mobs, looters, and anarchists. The fascists, who ironically call themselves anti-fascists, are coming. Let me be clear; we do not fear you, and our five stones already line our satchels. The sling is at the ready.
So then, to discover that the former Chief Legal Counsel for Governor Steve Bullock, failed Attorney General candidate, and Planned Parenthood’s attorney signed on to sue me for what his client calls “transphobia” troubles me little. Is he a giant? No. He’s a Liliputian. And he’s in over his head (which is not saying much). And yet there he stands, mocking the Armies of God and intent on coming to my home – to Richland County – and to bang on my door with the LGBTQ in tow to demand that I speak according to his wishes and not that according to God’s. I wrote about that here.
Bullock lost. Graybill lost. And, as before, God will beat him again. Proverbially, his end will be that of Goliath, or Sodom, or the dead of God’s great flood when the winepress of his fury overflows into the Earth. We have raised tens of thousands of dollars to beat their attempt to stifle the press at Gideon Knox Group and did so with a single email to our supporters.
Unfortunately, so it seems – just as Saul’s armor did not fit David – our banking processor didn’t think we “made a good fit” to receive it because we live in an era when calling a man a man is considered “hate.” If you are one of those who gave, look at the message sent to you via the giving portal and read our urgent message about how to give around them. We’re positive you’ll be satisfied with our solution.
On Sunday, our congregation voted unanimously to create a Romans 13 Religious Freedom Fund, to provide the necessary financial resources to fight battles without relying on the same international banks that de-funded President Donald J. Trump and the courageous legislators who asked to look into patterns of observable and demonstrable voter fraud. This way, money can be sent to a 501(c)3 organization tax-free, and given at the discretion of our church, to whatever group is being persecuted for using their religious liberty.
We want to give a hat-tip to Pastor Cary Gordon of World Outreach in Sioux Falls, Iowa who heard of our plight, and sent us thousands of dollars in funds from his church’s own “Romans 13 Fund” (similar to what we made, at his advice) directly to our church to help. We will follow his lead (he also has taken on God’s enemies in the court – and won). Meanwhile, we have attorneys who will eat our challengers for lunch both in Montana and outside Montana, in whatever court we may find ourselves. And by God’s grace, we have millions of readers across our platforms who believe in the mission of truth-telling, religious liberty, and freedom of speech and the press.
If you’re one of them, we could use your help. But don’t use a giving portal you might find online (those giving portals will be coming down in days to come – which will likely be returned to you. Send a check, money order, or cash to Fellowship Baptist Church, in care of “Religious Freedom Fund” in the subject line (2181 W. Holly St. Sidney, MT 59270), for your tax-deductible contribution. It’s more complicated than pressing a few buttons on your device, we know; but this way, it can’t be stolen.
Meanwhile, I am gearing up go fight and will preach on the godlessness of leftism (including the LGBTQ movement) in five different cities throughout Montana in mid-September, warning them of transhumanism and transgenderism in particular, and will be collecting funds for this legal battle.
And remember, we are not only on the defensive but the offensive. We are moving forward with plans to sue the largest fueling and casino chain in Montana for violating the 1964 Civil Rights Act by giving me a no-trespass order for correctly gendering a store clerk, after asking what his trans-pride pin meant (unless they recant in 20 days).
In each and every place I’m going – Billings, Kalispell, Hamilton, Great Falls, and Havre – I will be preaching the Gospel; the Good News as the ultimate solution to the bad news that fills our television sets and news feeds. God has provided us our radio station to blast out Montana Gazette Radio – with both conservative talk radio and religious programming – to the Crow and Cheyenne nations, and in Montana and Wyoming, and it is going live as I speak. Meanwhile, we are in negotiations with other radio stations to provide our coverage around the state (and will be live-streamed around the entire world so you can listen from wherever you reside).
WE MUST FIGHT BACK. We are not paper targets. We are the remnant and elect of God, hardened and bold by the power of God. The theme of my tour will be 1 Samuel 17:28, “Who are these uncircumcised Philistines who challenge the armies of our GOD?”
Do not worry about them coming to us. We are coming to them.
[Contributed by JD Hall, President of Gideon Knox Group]
John MacArthur and Wife Diagnosed with COVID-19 /+ $800k Lawsuit Update
Speaking to his congregation before his sermon yesterday, Pastor John MacArthur of Grace Community Church touched on a couple of topics, including both the lawsuits with the county, as well as his own COVID diagnoses back in December of 2020.
“It appears… that this lawsuit is going in our favor, and we’re deeply grateful for that. We’ve been getting those kinds of signals for the last number of weeks. And what has come recently is the city itself, put on the agenda for this coming Tuesday night, the resolution of this lawsuit (August 31). And that’s what the media picked up….
We’re also grateful to the Lord that the county in the state of California wants to settle this because they do not want a trial. That would not serve them well since Grace Church has flourished in this entire period of time. I will say this, there’s no money coming to Grace Church, there was a statement about 400,000 coming from the county and 400,000 from the state.
That goes to the Thomas Moore society. They paid all the legal costs, we haven’t paid one cent for legal fees, and all this year and a half. And so that would go to reimburse them along with another million. I think that the state of California spent on legal fees. So nothing will come to us except the affirmation that the Lord preserved and protected us through this and we’ll know more about that on Tuesday.”
Turning to the novel coronavirus, the 81-year-old MacArthur makes a shocking admission about the two weeks in December where he missed service for what was widely reported at the time was a flu or a stomach bug:
But I do want to correct a few things. First of all, there were statements made there about outbreaks and deaths and things like that, that there is no evidence that can be traced back to Grace Church in those situations.
So we understand that obviously, many people contracted COVID we understand that it probably went through our church in maybe December, January, that’s when I began to realize how many people were ill. And that’s when Patricia and I enjoyed our own bout with COVID for about a week and a half and, and we were fine. And we’re thankful for that. So the Lord has protected us through this.
For more information and commentary, watch the video here.
Your political Gideon Knox news links (like from Montana Daily Gazette) will be in your next paid edition of The Insurgency (tomorrow).