Hi folks,
Were it not for the strangling censorship being imposed upon the voices of righteousness in this society, we wouldn’t be in this position. Please bear with us as we continue to work through the technical challenges of distributing our content on alternative platforms.
We strenuously apologize. Right when it appears we have the hurdles sorted, yet another presents itself. For now we will have to juggle the email blast with embedded articles as has been the format as of late.
Our commitment to daily providing all the news and commentary that big tech and big media would prefer you not see continues.
Thank you very again much for your understanding as we continue to navigate these difficult waters in Jesus name.
All The Relevant News and Commentary... All in One Place Straight to Your Inbox...
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J.D. Greear Uses Epic Bible Twist to Explain why Parable is Actually about ‘Social Justice’ and ‘Older Brother Privilege’
Someone in the crowd said to him, “Teacher, tell my brother to divide the inheritance with me.” But he said to him, “Man, who made me a judge or arbitrator over you?” And he said to them, “Take care, and be on your guard against all covetousness, for one’s life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions.” And he told them a parable, saying, “The land of a rich man produced plentifully, and he thought to himself, ‘What shall I do, for I have nowhere to store my crops?’ And he said, ‘I will do this: I will tear down my barns and build larger ones, and there I will store all my grain and my goods. And I will say to my soul, “Soul, you have ample goods laid up for many years; relax, eat, drink, be merry.”’ But God said to him, ‘Fool! This night your soul is required of you, and the things you have prepared, whose will they be?’ So is the one who lays up treasure for himself and is not rich toward God.” Luke 12:13-21
Former Southern Baptists President J.D. Greear, during the 2020 election season, offered up one of the worst scripture twistings we have ever seen, taking the parable of the inheritance and making it about “social justice” and “older brother privilege”, rather than a family squabble involving inheritance and the importance of not being covetous and trusting the Lord to provide.
By way of background, the law of the day was that the older brother would receive two-thirds of the inheritance while the younger brother would only receive one-third. Instead of asking Jesus to adjudicate their feud by listening to both side and then requesting that he makes a righteous judgment, he instead asks Jesus to agree with him and take his side with him against his brother.
Greear takes it in a completely different direction (Ed Litton, take heed) and instead uses it as a prooftext to explain why churches shouldn’t make a formal judgment or proclamation on social and political issues like, lest they lose half their audience. The subtle way he molests the scriptures by forcing politics into it is disturbing, but not out of character.
Watch the video afterward for invaluable commentary.
I want to take you to a moment in Jesus’s life that I’ve talked about recently and I’m going to lay out a case from it, a very brief one, for why the church, the institutional church should avoid getting entangled in the political specifics in the practice of justice.
Here’s the situation Luke 12. Jesus is asked to adjudicate a particular social justice complaint. There’s a younger brother who is accusing the older brother of leveraging his older brother privilege to cheat him out of his rightful inheritance. And let me just say, scholars tell us that was a legitimate problem in ancient Israel. This is a legitimate social justice complaint.
Now, if you know anything about the life and ministry of Jesus, you know that Jesus cares about injustice, like I told you over 200 times in the Old Testament tells us that God cares about this and Jesus being the son of God, he cares about it. In his sermons, Jesus frequently condemned greedy exploitation, which would certainly be at work here, particularly by the powerful against the weak, those in positions of power, who do not use their positions of power to lift up others who are less privileged than them.
Jesus says, Luke 16, they’re in danger of Hellfire, regardless of how fervor they are in their religion, right? We just saw this in the parable in Luke 10 (parable of the good samaritan), where Jesus says that his followers are responsible to address injustice, even if they had no part of the injustice.So can we suffice it to say Jesus cares about injustice? That’s not in question here. But what you see, watch this, instead of giving a specific- you might even say political-answer to this question, Jesus withholds his opinion. He says, rather starkly, verse 14, man, who appointed me a judge or arbitrator over you? In this situation, the verses after you’ll see he preaches a little mini sermon that warns both brothers about the idolatry of money.
You see had Jesus adjudicated this case, he would have cut off half of his audience. And Jesus had been sent to seek and save the lost on all sides of these issues. So Jesus showed restraint and adjudicating the particulars of this case, so that he could preach the gospel to both of them, to all of them.
Following him, the institutional church shows restraint in adjudicating the particulars of political and social questions. I mean, which policies or which candidates best get the job done, which strategies work best, because our commission in the local church to preach the gospel to everybody.
Millionaire Scamvangelists Brag About their Private Jets+ Link Flying to Mark of the Beast
Two multimillionaire evangelists spent a night together at a fundraising event bragging about their private jets while offering a new novel concept for what the mark of the beast is, along with explaining why Jesus hasn’t come back yet.
These money-grubbing musings came at Victorython, a major three-day fundraising event created to raise millions of dollars to support Kenneth Copeland’s Victory Network, his television network that hosts his show, along with every other widow-bilking heretic and false teacher in Christendom.
After yucking it up with the theologically corrupt Jesse Duplantis, his naked greed on full display as he gave us such satanic pearls like:
“I honestly believed this: that the reason why Jesus hadn’t come is because people are not giving the way God told them to give. You see what I’m saying,-I mean when you understand you can speed up the time, you know, and I pray for the Lord all the time, but speed up the time, Jesus sped up the time for Mary at the wedding of Cana.
they talked shop about the importance of owning a private plane- Copeland has three- explaining:
The time has come for ministries, particularly traveling ministries, to have some other method of travel other than the airlines. You get into this situation-‘ we’re not going to let you fly unless you’re vaccinated’- well to me that’s the mark of the beast.
Montana Man Reclaims Stolen Bank Property; Establishes “Camp Justice” to Expose Crimes
Dennis Thornton, the Montana man who had his property stolen by Whitefish Credit Union (WFCU) in an illegal deed transfer, has taken matters into his own hands and reclaimed his property after exhausting all forms of legal process and procedure to receive justice.
Thornton, whose evidence was highlighted extensively in this article published a few months ago, is receiving media support from Montana Daily Gazette and logistical support from People’s Rights, the group founded by activist and Idaho gubernatorial candidate, Ammon Bundy.
Bundy, who was sent all of the evidence to prove criminality by WFCU, had the following to say when reached by Montana Daily Gazette staff yesterday:
I support the efforts of Dennis Thornton now, and will consult my scheduler to establish a time that I can be there in-person to show my support on the ground. – Ammon Bundy
As stated earlier, Thornton presented his evidence to every agency who he thought could help him, including the Montana Banking Commission, the Montana Attorney General’s Office, and the Flathead County Sheriff, to name a few. Thornton even sent his evidence to the Montana FBI, who investigated it for a year and stated that there were crimes committed but they were state crimes and needed to be handled by the state, a fact disputed by former FBI Investigator and Montana Senator David Howard who in this article, argued that the crimes committed by WFCU were eligible for a RICO investigation.
One of the elements of the Thornton case that piqued the interest of the Montana Daily Gazette is the fact that Thornton is not alone in his assertions that WFCU stole property from him, as Montana Daily Gazette has spoken to more than a half-dozen people who allege similar crimes committed against them by WFCU, all of which can be viewed on the Montana Gazette Radio Rumble channel by clicking here.
It should also be noted that several currently serving, high-ranking legislators have reviewed the evidence against WFCU and also believe that there was potential criminal activity, including Mark Noland who is the head of the Montana Banking Oversight Committee
From observations and conversations with the patriots who have already arrived at Camp Justice, these men and women are in for the long haul. If you are close to Montana’s Flathead Valley and wish to participate in the liberation of Dennis Thornton’s property, you can come to 860 Boon Road in Somers to show your support.
Montana Gazette Radio was there the moment Thornton liberated his stolen property and conducted a walk-thru assessment of his damaged and stolen equipment; equipment that was supposed to be safeguarded by WFCU. The reclaiming of Thornton’s property and the birth of Camp Justice can be seen by clicking THIS VIDEO LINK