Biden tells people to “kiss his ear” in dementia decline
Only a hundred civilians attended Biden inauguration
#TEXIT Bill would allow Texas to secede from the union
Moderna Vaccine maker says that COVID will be around FOREVER
Cops threaten to fine kids for having snowball fight without masks
VIDEO: Cop threatens to Tase a guy for not wearing a mask
SURPRISE: Georgia court rules last minute voter-law change was illegal
Google stops donations to officials who wouldn’t certify elector college results
States should enforce their border because hordes are coming and feds won’t stop them
Facebook’s censorship of Bible verses is more tight than their censorship of child p0rN.
[Eye-Roll] Seattle DNC Headquarters was attacked by Antifa, so they blame the GOP
Microsft stop donations to officials who wouldn’t certify electoral college results
Woke preacher says Jesus came to tear down White Privilege
SBC plants church with first female church planter
Democrats begin to bar QAnon followers from security clearances
SCOTUS refuses to help a church locked down by unconstitutional NV Governor
Lol. NYT Says Democrats “are just Christians with different points of view.”
MI County censures its politicians who stabbed Trump in the back
Portland mayor pepper sprays constituent in the face for not having a mask
Military will continue to occupy D.C. until impeachment trial is done
Rand Paul: Without Supreme Court presiding, this is a ‘sham impeachment’
Hunter Biden’s laptop shows him discussing smoking pot with Michelle Obama at Camp David
Biden has a breakdown trying to pronounce the word, “situation”
Facial recognition technology now being used by tiny, rural police departments
Fauci is the highest paid individual in the entirety of the federal government
Netflix hosting Ibram Kendi’s racist, communist documentaries
Lol. NYT says Biden is the most religious president in 50 years
Dr. Fauci promises WHO that America will fund abortions around the world
Biden imposes travel ban against Caucasian nations
Justice Roberts sits out impeachment so Sen. Lehy (D) will preside instead
Here’s a list of all of the violent riots that the media is ignoring
More than half of President Joe’s Twitter followers are fake, just to boost his stats
Biden sets the record for most executive actions taken in first week
Biden now forcing military women shower nude alongside nude men (to make the trannys feel better)
Biden proposes forcing everyone to pay $200 per gun to keep it
Liberals in the SBC using “Baptist Press” to attack conservatives, capitalists
Feds show up at home of seventy-plus year old veteran to ask if he’s a domestic terrorist
SBC leader says Trumps supporters tarnished the church’s reputation, beggs Biden to unify Christians
John MacArthur warns Biden against swearing on the Bible while being such a pagan
Oklahoma rep introduces bill to start “Sasquatch Hunting Season”
Liberals incensed that Texas pastor called Kamala Harris “Jezebel” (they claim it’s racist)
Cyber attack? Unexplained outages affect Washington monuments
Biden will overturn Trump’s policy to start funding overseas abortions
Biden’s crackhead son to advise him on China
Church facing 10 MILLION dollar fine for worshipping, continues to worship