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We Do ALL the Digging So you Don't Have To...
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez starts to sound desperate about her Met Gala extravaganza
Senate Democrats Get Manchin on Board With New Election Overhaul Bill
Mark Milley ordered military command TAKE A LOYALTY OATH TO HIM?
BREAKING: Larry Elder Tells Supporters To ‘Stay Tuned’ After California Recall Loss
Norquist: Democrats' planned business taxes higher than communist China's
Top U.S. general in Afghanistan contradicts Biden, told chain of command not to pull out
Rep. Matt Gaetz to Newsmax: Jan. 6 Rioters Given Unequal Treatment
Jim Banks Gives Eric Swalwell the Epic Smackdown He Deserves in Twitter Spat Over AOC
Tweet By SEAL Team Six Member Who Killed Bin Laden Goes Viral
How States and Communities Can Fight Back Against Biden’s Covid Tyranny
Moderate Democrats Introduce Rival Drug Pricing Plan, Imperiling Pelosi-Backed Proposal
Larry Elder: ‘Gracious in Defeat,’ ‘We May Have Lost the Battle, But We Are Going to Win the War’
Who Pays For Dems’ Plan To Spend Trillions To ‘Stimulate’ Economy? Hint: Not The Rich
Democrats Prepare Biggest Tax Hike In A Generation For Environmentalist Scare Agenda
Trust the Science: The Evidence for Ivermectin and COVID-19
Tucker: President Trump’s control of our nation’s military was usurped?
Communist Party USA Coins a New Orwellian Term for Cancel Culture
Despite Mandates, Biden Commerce Secretary Claims “Nobody Is Being Forced” To Take COVID Vaccine
Marx Got It Right: Mass Immigration Wrecks Wages. Why Won’t America’s Resurgent Communists Admit It?
Georgia's largest county considers Stacey Abrams lobbyist for top election job, angering state
Can the Post Office Be Trusted With Mail-In Ballots?
Leftists: Health Care Is A Human Right, Unless You’re Unvaccinated
Biden used profane phone call to pressure Manchin to sign off on $1.9T stimulus, new book claims
Biden Effect: Afghan Refugees Bring Measles to Wisconsin And Virginia
New Quinnipiac Poll: You're Underwater, Joe — and Your Afghanistan Disaster Is in the Toilet
Retired Col. Douglas Macgregor: Washington DC “Occupied Territory”
On Making Restitution for a Stolen Election, or, Don’t Take the Bait, Part Dos
Charges Dropped Against NY Radio Talker Arrested for 'Improper' Masking at School Board Meeting
Ed Litton is an unrepentant liar & what this tells you about the SBC
Rabobank: Milley's Presence Is Massively Damaging Image-Wise For The US
Florida nurse pleads guilty to threatening to kill Kamala Harris
‘New York Times’ Quietly Removes Claim That Hunter Biden Laptop Story Was ‘Unsubstantiated’
Hudson mayor: School board should resign over material suggesting kids write about sex, drinking
Montana Nurses Association Torches State for Promoting ‘Junk Science’+ No School Mask Mandate
The Montana Nurse Association slammed the state’s Department of Public Health and Human Services over their Aug 31 emergency rule that suggested the efficacy of masking was inconclusive and left masking children up to the parent’s individual decision, rather than a hard rule imposed by the government.
Calling it ‘junk science, the association attacked the decision in an open letter, complaining that it has no ‘teeth’ to it, containing no “shall/must/will” decrees, but rather a series of suggestions of best practices.
The MNA frustratingly surmises that it’s not even worth challenging in court, as it doesn’t do anything, making it a waste of time and money to even try to have it resolved.
Their letter concludes by disputing the scientific opinions of the state and pleads with Montanans to get vaccinated, wear a mask, and if you do get the shot, continue to wear a mask anyway.
For the DPHHS, they have other considerations than the degree that masks (and which ones? homemade ones? cloth masks? N95’s?) make a difference, but must balance other considerations, such as the mental health of children being forced to muzzle up 8 hours a day.
It’s for this reason Director Adam Meier is likely unmoved by their arguments, stating at the time the order was given:
“A number of scientific studies indicate that universal mask use among children can adversely affect their health and development, particularly among children with learning or developmental disabilities. DPHHS respects the authority of parents to make health-related decisions in the best interest of their children, including whether wearing a mask in school is appropriate. DPHHS would encourage schools to take into account all of these factors and implement any mitigation strategies in the least restrictive means as possible to maximize learning outcomes for Montana children.”
Though clearly frustrated with the situation, and without much they can no on the legal front, the MNA have taken to their Facebook page to post daily updates on the amount of hospitalized vaccinated vs unvaccinated people, highlighting that those who have not received the vaccine are about 10 times more likely to end up in the hospital.
Judge Fines Public Defender’s Office $10,000 for Backlog of Cases: Office Pushes Back
The Director of Montana’s Office of the Public Defender has been fined $10,000 for failing to immediately assign lawyers to those charged with crimes and cannot afford one- a move the public Defender’s Office says is unwarranted and is currently beyond their control.
District Judge Donald Harris of Yellowstone County blasted OPD Director Rhonda Lindquist for failing to assign a lawyer to defendants within 2-3 days, which is the standard set by OPD policies.
Currently, with over 650 open cases unassigned since July 31, this means there are hundreds of Montanans who are languishing in jail for weeks and months without any representation, some of who may be innocent but can’t afford a lawyer to make bond reduction arguments. This, he says, is a miscarriage of justice.
Judge Harris was also concerned that violent criminals may go free without a trial due to the technicalities of not getting a speedy trial, noting:
“What I’m here to tell you is that the Office of the State Public Defender’s failure to properly assign counsel is creating situations where it may be required constitutionally for a judge’s judicial district to release violent offenders into this community without trial.”
In short; the OPD is utterly and completely failing their clients.
For their part, the Office of the Public Defender acknowledges that there have been delays, but pushed back by saying they are facing challenges beyond their control, including being chronically understaffed, being underpaid, and not having enough resources to properly represent their clients.
Peter Habein, OPD’s Lawyer, told the judge that “To call it a perfect storm, might be an understatement”, explaining that in order to do their job properly, having an active caseload of over 8000 cases, they would need at least 43 full-time lawyers. But they’ve only been assigned 31, and because they are so underpaid, they only have 23, having 8 vacancies that simply cannot fill.
This forces the lawyers to take on so many cases that they frequently can’t do justice for their clients, with one Billings lawyer handling over 320 cases. This results in the need to settle 99% of them with a plea agreement in order to avoid a trial they don’t have time for- a move which may not be best for their clients.
Furthermore, when they contract cases out to other attorneys to handle some of the backlogs, they only have a budget to pay $56 an hour, a third of the $150 per hour that is the federal contract rate, ensuring that most lawyers aren’t interested, as they can bill a much higher rate on their own and would be taking a massive paycut.
Despite these realities, Harris was inflexible with his pronouncement, saying that they’d better figure it out, and that he would brook no excuses.
Biden Admin Plans to Track All Financial Transactions over $600 From Personal Bank Account, Ending Financial Privacy
With the need to increase tax revenue to ensure that no one is underreporting their income in order to avoid detection, the Treasury Department has shed new light on Biden’s plan for financial reporting, explaining in their Green book that they have a proposal to “create a comprehensive financial account information reporting regime.”
It intends to do so by leveraging the help of banks, with the revenue proposal revealing:
“This requirement would apply to all business and personal accounts from financial institutions, including bank, loan, and investment accounts, with the exception of accounts below a low de minimis gross flow threshold of $600 or fair market value of $600.”
This would also include crypto-asset exchanges. With these financial institutions legally obligated to report any flow in and out of one’s personal bank account, the government will always have a much better sense of your finances than they previously had, with the regime expanding current reporting on Form 1099-INT, Interest Income, and Form 1099-K, effective December 31, 2022.
This law goes even further than the Patriot Act did, which only required banks to report “suspicious’ transitions of over $5000, and not regular purchases like wanting to buy a cell phone or a new offroad trailer. Now, they will also be able to see things like transfers and payments to friends and family, which now becomes reportable transactions if over $600.
Rather than having just had an idea of how much money is in one’s account, the government will have access to records showing when the money is going out, and who it is going to. Currently, there is no requirement for banks to do this, and so this goes far above and beyond what is obligated, effectively ending financial privacy and granting the government an unprecedented look into one’s finances.
Woke Pastor says Getting Vaccine and Wearing Masks ‘Minimal Requisites to Follow Jesus’
We’re not surprised it went here, we’re only surprised it took so long. Rev. Nathan A. Russell, the senior pastor of Washington Avenue Christian Church in Elyria, Ohio preached a delightfully wretched sermon where he made the claim that if anyone wants to follow the Lord, they’d better get the vaccine and wear the mask properly, as “A vaccine and a mask are minimal requisites for anyone who would wish to follow Jesus.”
WAAC is part of the Disciples of Christ (DOC) a mainline protestant denomination that is in full communion with the unregenerate rapscallions in the United Church of Christ. The DOC has been bleeding members over the last decade, losing nearly half their congregants, the majority of which died of old age, and now have a little over 110k on a weekly basis.
As a denomination, they have adopted the 19th-century slogan of the Stone-Campbell Movement “In essentials, Unity; In non-essentials, Liberty; and in all things, Charity” and have taken it very, very literally.
Because they promote unity above doctrine, and they allow a wide range of freedom to interpret the scriptures, being anti-creed and anti-confession, the fact that they are openly pro-LGBTQ and pro-abortion is the least of their problems. Many within the denomination question or outright deny primary doctrines, such as the virgin birth of Christ, a belief in the Trinity, Jesus performing miracles, the scriptures being inspired and without error, and even the atonement of Christ-all with the blessing of their General assembly and denominational heads.
This is the backdrop for this non-pastor to deliver this blasphemous message.
“For anyone who wants to save their life,” Jesus says, “they’ll lose it. And anyone who loses their life for my sake and for the sake of the gospel will save it.” If this episode were to happen today, September the 12th, 2021, here’s how I think it would go: “If anyone wants to become my follower, then get your vaccination and find a mask and wear it, over your nose and your mouth, and follow me.”
But as we’ve seen in our national discourse, people would come up to Jesus and rebuke him with a conversation about rights. Individual rights. What do we think Jesus would say in response to those trying to teach him a lesson about rights? When he said “Get behind me, Satan.”
Now, if you go home and you call your friends who are unvaccinated and say that you heard in church earlier today that they are saying, uh-uh, don’t you dare try it. It won’t go well for you or them. You may be crucified.
I want to be clear that I’m not calling anyone the devil in this sermon. However, when the ideas of individualism and isolationism come at the expense of accountability and communal responsibility, we know that people are putting their minds not on divine things but human things.
Such desires are antagonistic and adversarial to the purposes of God at work in the world. And those antithetical attributes, like names, they have power, too. They’re contagious. They’re infectious. They kill, steal, and destroy.
A vaccine and a mask are minimal requisites for anyone who would wish to follow Jesus. And if that’s difficult to swallow, well, let me tell you what Jesus actually said, what Jesus requires of people who follow him. It’s far more consequential and costly to oneself than a vaccine or a mask will ever be.
“For anyone who wants to save their life will lose it, and anyone who loses their life for my sake and for the sake of the gospel will save it. For what will it profit someone to gain the whole wide world and forfeit their life?”
Greg Locke Permanently Banned from Twitter
Pastor” Greg Locke of Global Vision Bible Church in Mount Juliet, TN has been permanently suspended from Twitter, the result of a series of violations stemming from his continued public comments telling people not to get vaccinated.
Readers of Protestia will recognize Locke as the foul-mouthed, spouse-abusing-and-abandoning, Tennessee “pastor” who notoriously divorced his wife of two decades and quickly married his secretary, claimed that “Mitch McConnell is being controlled by Illuminati hand signals,” threatened a Dunkin’ Donuts worker with kicking his teeth down his throat, and recently said that if you deny the existence of tunnels under the White House or Capitol Building that were uncovered by the military and used to house both live and dead children, you’re just as complicit in the abuse as “crack-smoking perverts.” All that when he was not putting up signs telling potential visitors” If you Come to Church in a Mask, I’ll Kick you Out.”
Now, he has been banned from Twitter, losing the ability to create new accounts.
It’s not the first time Locke has been suspended, receiving a host of 24 hours to 30 days band dating back over a decade, when he first joined the platform. Now, having amassed nearly 115,000 followers on the social media giant, Locke is spitting mad about the whole affair, taking to Facebook to air his grievances, telling followers that he has already filed a lawsuit to be restored.
“After building it up, having a verified platform on Twitter, they take the whole thing away. After years, since 2009, because I’m a ‘danger’. Guess who’s still on Twitter? The Taliban, ladies and gentlemen. Are you awake yet, sheep? Wake up, use your brain, use your Bible, get a backbone, they just permanently banned me.
I’m the first pastor with any sort of a platform that’s been banned. So guess what? We’re fighting back right now. Within one hour of it happening, we’ve already had our wonderful lawyer for our ministry file, and we have just entered in to the class action lawsuit against Twitter and all of these censorship Nazis.
Locke goes on to explain that he’s joined the class action lawsuit with Candace Owens and Donald Trump, and expressed his disgust that they banned a blue check verified pastor, telling his followers to follow him on other social media platforms, professing his belief that he was excised from Twitter “because they just want to be where they censor us. We’re over the target. We’re dropping bombs, gospel bombs, political bombs, biblical bombs. They don’t like what we’re saying.”
“Shame on you. Twitter, shame on you. You ban a pastor, you ban a sitting president, you ban other conservative voices. You ban Christians but you let the Taliban- you let the Taliban terrorists stay on your platform and keep saying all the wicked evil nonsense that they need to say? It shows who you really are. You show your true colors.”
..I’m not apologizing for being too abrasive, okay? The days of ‘diplomacy’ are well over, it’s time to fight. It’s time to stand up and say ‘enough is enough.’; We’re gonna push back and so Twitter, you’ve done your dead level best, now we’re going to stand up we’re going to push back…”
Video and Transcript! Ed Litton Paints Himself as Martyr During SWBTS Service, Lies Even More
Southern Baptist Convention President Ed Litton did not take the opportunity while speaking at his alma matter this morning to man up and come clean about his plagiarism and the facts surrounding the case, but rather lent a shovel to SWBTS President Adam Greenway, and together they dug Litton an even deeper hole that they backfilled with excuses, all the while repeatedly lying to the students present.
Greenway was given the task of giving cover to Litton, throwing him softball questions designed to create a convincing apologetic for his friend, which he did with gusto, asking:
Adam Greenway: “There’s been a lot of conversation, controversy and claims have been thrown around, particularly as it relates to your preaching ministry in the context of your service at Redemption Church in Mobile, where you’ve been the pastor now for many, many years. Talk to us about that, because there have been all kinds of statements and claims. You can imagine that when I posted on social media that we were hosting you for this conversation, there was a lot of snark that came back, particularly from the anonymous social media accounts that proliferate these days.
Fact Check, at the time of writing this, there are 96 comments to the post he is referring to 8 of which are from what could be described as either anonymous accounts, or accounts that seem anonymous, but rather link in their bio to their organization, with then reveals the person in the about me section. So to say that these were ‘particularly from anonymous social media accounts” is categorically false and a lie, as they accounted for less than 10% of the comments. But this comment echoes what Litton has previously said, that this whole brouhaha is being caused by and being driven by ‘anonymous accounts’ even though it was Jeff Maples at our sister site “Reformation Charlotte” that blew this whole thing open.
Adam Greenway: “But I’d love for you to just talk about- particularly in light of what has come to be known in the common parlance as the ‘sermon plagiarism controversy’. And I’d like to even hear…you accept the term ‘plagiarism’ to describe your actions in terms of your preaching ministry, yes or no/ why. Just help us understand for the benefit of our seminary community the issue here.”
Ed Litton:
The situation that we find ourselves in today is that series of messages we did last year on the book of Romans, which I want to just be honest with you, was intimidating for me. I’ve preached Romans before. But a lot of things have changed in my life in the last 10 years, that I may get to in a moment.
But when I approached that, I noticed that I had my commentaries about new commentaries, preparing for that series, we actually plan our preaching about two years in advance. And in that particular case, I started listening to JD Greer, who had done a series previously, and I was really moved by the way he handled some very challenging passages in Romans.
So I called JD and I asked him, I said, ‘first of all, would you mind sharing with me how you broke down the book of Romans to do it in one year?‘ which he sent me a spreadsheet with all that information, that was very helpful as a part of the preaching/ planning.
But then I said ‘there’s material here, do you mind if I use this material?’ He was very gracious, and I think he even quoted Adrian Rogers ‘if my bullet fits your gun, shoot it’. And I said that’s fine. And I appreciate it.
So there are in particular, a couple particular cases, times where I made statements that others have been able to line up with statements that come from the same text, the same passage that JD used. So to answer your question, I don’t consider that plagiarism.
“Line up the statements?” He and his wife plagiarized a Tim Keller sermon in 2012, his young co-Pastor also plagiarized Greear and did not give credit, and in fact, Ed Litton copied J.D. Greear sermons as early as 2015!, well before this Romans series began.
Where is the acknowledgment of that? Rather, we see a smorgasbord of plagiarized sermons where Ed Litton copied not just the outline and little snippets here and there, but copied illustrations as if they happened to him, and even copied the prayers!
He continues explaining that the reason why he may have copied other parts of the sermon, is because he hears a little too good, and in some way remembered sermons from years ago nearly verbatim, and then in some manner of confusion must have mixed up his memories with his own thoughts. Really.
“Let me tell you where my sin was. My sin was, I did not credit him to my church. And I’ve been asked why. And I’m a little mystified by that too, because I’m very transparent with my people. And the goal of using material, whether it’s written by (unintelligible) or international critical commentary or any other commentary you use, is to expound on the text and to make sure people understand the verse by verse meaning of that text.
So that was my goal. It wasn’t to become famous, because quite frankly, if that was my goal, I would not have picked JD Greer, as someone to quote. The problem was I did not credit him. And I have repented of that to my church. I have repented that to our leadership, and quite frankly, we’re in a process of changes.
I’m fasting from listening to preaching right now, because it turns out, I have a capacity to remember statements that are made in an audible sermon that I hear, that’s a little too good. And sometimes it gets mixed up.”
He continues, explaining that he is being refined by this persecution and that while his critics have meant this all for evil, God meant it for good.
“But the truth is, this has been a very painful process. It’s been a hot process for me, let me explain what I mean. You’re very familiar with the fact that the Scripture teaches us that we are being refined and I feel like I’m in a refiners fire. Now, I want to tell you this; it’s easy to criticize the force of the fire. Nowhere does the scripture tell us (unintelligible) The Scripture tells us to put our eyes on the refiner. Because he knows when to turn up the heat, he knows when to allow it to get to a certain place, he knows when to shut it off.
And so through this, I have accepted the reality of this fire, and I embrace it by the grace of God, and God is refining me. There is a depth in me that I have discovered, of insecurity, that needed praise for my preaching, that God has been in the process of burning out.
And it is a painful thing. And there are more things. As a matter of fact, some of my critics, if they knew what God knew about my heart, this would be a never-ending Twitter feed. But the truth is, God is far more gracious than I’ve ever been….I could say what some may have meant for evil, God has meant for good. Because at the end of the day, the purpose of preaching is the saving of many souls. And my church has been incredibly gracious and loving and supportive. And I also have a unique process too. I’ve been mentoring young preachers for many years now. We have multiple campuses. We have live preaching on all of our campuses. And so we have a process of studying together and we have a process of working it out.
Now, when that became public knowledge, that opened up even more criticism, that I was perverting or misleading other students. But we’ve had honest candid conversations about how we credit and what we do with the information that we’re sharing with our people. And so we’re learning and growing through this experience.“
Greenway ends this portion by asking Litton what pastoral words he would give to students to learn from his mistakes with this whole scandal and the SBC President gives some very hypocritical advice.
“So if, if our view of the sovereignty of God is such that we believe he controls everything, even the suffering we live through, I think we have to embrace it. But let me say this for young pastors, or pastors (unintelligible), be transparent as you possibly can. Be real.”
Litton concludes by painting himself as a victim that is basically getting canceled, engaging in a bit of martyrdom
It is frightening to think about what can happen to your reputation. It is terrifying. But that is a danger. Proverbs chapter 19, or 29, rather, says ‘the fear of man is a snare’. And to me, it is probably one of the greatest struggles we as Southern Baptists have. We’re terrified of being ruined in public.
When this president, when I asked people to serve in Southern Baptist life, the most common question I get in response is ‘will they do to me what they’ve done to you?’So what we’ve done is created an atmosphere that is quite toxic, to where good people will not serve for fear that a mistake or a sin that they committed five years ago could be brought up on YouTube, or that they could be paraded out and embarrassed and ashamed. And I’m gonna tell you something, it’s not fun. But by the grace of an Almighty God who died naked on a cross for me, you can overcome it.
‘Gay Christian’ Walks Out of Christian University Chapel After Hearing Biblical Sermon +Revoice Founder Chimes in
Asbury Theological Seminary President Timothy Tennent came under a bit of fire from the gay Twitterati last week after one of their students publicly announced on social media that they had walked out of the chapel service after he preached a perfectly orthodox and biblical sermon on the topic of ‘personhood’, according to the Juicy Ecumenism.
Tennent preached the message during the seminary’s new year convocation. Asbury is not a conservative seminary by any stretch; they are in the United Methodist tradition and are the largest seminary of the Wesleyan-Holiness movement, and this seminary in particular is known for promoting egalitarianism. Still- they have so far resisted the push of the pro-LGBTQ movement and take a biblical perspective on the issue of homosexuality.
For this reason, Tennennt gave a high level and mildly esoteric discussion on the relationship between oner’s expressive self and what it means to be human, saying things like:
“New individualism….is a new vision of human personhood has created a seismic dualistic separation or fracturing of the human will from the physical body. In this twist of Neo-gnostic dualism our bodies become moldable, like plastic contingent instruments which must be conformed to the intuitions, feelings and what other social constructions we may dream of in order to conform to our understanding of ourselves.”
Heady stuff. Tennent made similar comments like this, explaining how some people within the LGBTQ community do likewise, and that the whole idea of a man trapped in a woman’s body is based on an ungodly individualism and a skewed sense of self. The whole message can be heard here, and there was nothing remotely controversial about it.
This didn’t stop a vocal left from condemning Tennent and the school after one of their students announced that he walked out as a result of the message, feeling disrespected and like the seminary was making the campus a “dangerous place” for him.
Elijah Drake identifies as a “side B” “celibate Gay Christian” and a “Celibate SSA/gay student” who wrote this thesis arguing that it is perfectly acceptable to identify himself by his sin and sexual proclivities. Though professing to hold what is the “orthodox position” (It’s not. The sexual attraction itself is a sin, not just the action) It’s clear that there is something seriously wonky with his theology if that is the reaction he had after listening to such a benign sermon.
His actions afterward sealed the deal that he was being petulant, showing up in the front row for the next message with his ‘gay pride’ shirt on, demanding that the speaker look at him and geared up to walk about again in full view of his peers if they cross his line again, all the while receiving clout on the internet for being “brave” and “savage” and “a badass”
Even Revoice founder Nate Collins got in on the action, telling him he was “so, so sorry” that he was experiencing this, and gave little praying hands after he snapped the above picture with his pride shirt.
Desdreds of tweets directed his way, many from openly “side A” “gay Christians” inviting Drake to come to they/their seminary while bashing Asbury (“I know a really gay-affirming place isn’t for everyone, but I love working at @VUDivinity because we are queer & trans-inclusive & in admin, anything mostly run by lesbians is just gonna be better organized.”) Tennent has not responded publicly to the brouhaha. We have reached out for comment and will update this post accordingly.