The Reverend Bingo Allison is the first openly non-binary and transgender priest ordained in the Church of England, which should surprise no one following their trajectory. For decades the deplorable denomination has been drifting on issues of theology and human sexuality, proving time and time again the 26 million members are not the least bit committed to upholding the biblical teaching in marriage, and this only adds more fuel to that fire.
Led by Justin Welby, the Archbishop of Canterbury, who is an all-around simpish and effete hireling, the Church of England long ago abandoned all biblical fidelity to the scriptures on the matter. Not only are they in full communion with many openly pro-choice and pro-LGBTQ denominations, but two years ago, the Anglican Church invited all their openly gay Bishops who had same-sex partners and ‘spouses’ to their 2020 Lambeth Conference.
Under these auspices and cowardly contentions, the non-binary vicar has been allowed to flourish and become accepted. Allison is a priest at The Parish of St. Margaret of Antioch in Liverpool that identifies as ‘gender-queer’ and uses ‘they/them’ pronouns. I.e: he’s a deceived man who came out to his wife and three children a half-dozen years ago, forcing them to enter into and cater to his perverse delusions. As one might imagine, he is a rabid evangelist for all things LBGTQ and has made his mental illness his identity.
Rather than humor him, the correct response should have been to immediately expel him and then take out a full page ad in local and national papers informing the world of their actions and of his termination.