Tammi Fisher’s “Hit Piece on Parce-Tarnishes Her Credibility” (She’s Friends with Holmquist)
I am now more resolved than ever to give my vote to Jason Parce for Flathead County Commissioner.
Chris Weil of Kalispell submitted the following Op-Ed to Montana Daily Gazette.
I am writing in regards to recent opinion pieces written by some of the Kalispell political “establishment” on Flathead County Commissioner candidate Jason Parce. Like clockwork, it is the familiar process of nebulous accusations magically coming out just before an election, calculated to do maximum damage at the right time. In particular, Tammi Fisher’s hit piece from 4/22 looks to me to consist entirely of wild speculation and conjecture designed solely to tarnish the campaign of a former decorated Kalispell police offer, and perhaps more importantly, someone who is NOT part of the establishment. How timely that this comes out as Parce’s campaign picks up steam.
From my viewpoint, this hit piece actually tarnishes the credibility of the author rather than that of Jason Parce. It is written to sound like it is coming from an objective outside observer, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. Are we truly expected to believe that a former mayor of Kalispell is “on the outside looking in”?
What I am really left wondering is what sort of oligarchic sweetheart deal with the incumbent Pam Holmquist might be in store for a former mayor who uses her platform to defame a rival candidate?
Furthermore, it seems to me that Jason Parce’s right to confidentiality may have been breached. As Fisher states herself, Montana law limits what employers may say when employees leave their employment. If any of this is to be believed, we can draw the conclusion that someone on the inside delivered confidential information to Fisher and who knows who else. That speaks volumes, and I certainly hope that the Kalispell Police Association fulfills its role of representing its police officers by looking into this breach of confidentiality.
At the end of the day, Fisher’s hit piece has clarified things for me and ultimately achieved one thing. I am now more resolved than ever to give my vote to Jason Parce for Flathead County Commissioner.
Chris Weil-Kalispell
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