“Take Back Our Schools! One County at a Time!”
The entire public school system is corrupt and the opposite of what the Founding Principles intended it to be.
This week’s “The Constitutional County” series will highlight Blueprint No. 7 entitled, “Take Back Our Schools.”
To begin with, the entire public school system is so corrupt and completely the opposite of what the Founding Principles intended it to be. It needs to start over from scratch. Ideally, it needs to be defunded and totally restructured.
America’s children have been brainwashed and taught to hate our country, our values, our culture, our successes, and our Christian heritage. In 1960 prayer was removed from America’s public classroom, and grades have been dropping ever since then. The moral culture has plummeted in public education and as the culture becomes more corrupt, so do the children. Subsequently, respect for those in authority has taken a nosedive. Lack of respect for fellow students is at an all-time high as bullying and harassing of students is off the charts. The teachers have little to no say for fear of getting fired or simply do not care.
America’s babysitters (Public Schools) have dove off the cliff.
In public school, children aren’t taught how to think. They are told what to think but not HOW to think. In general, public schools don’t teach independent thinking or critical thinking skills. They are usually taught all the same thing regardless of the level of ability, and many students are bored to death, or it’s too difficult for them. It is not tailored to the individual students’ needs.
“They are dumbing down education, ramping up indoctrination and engaging in a culture war confident in the arrogant Communist belief that children belong to the State, not their parents.”
Samuel Blumenfeld has a wonderful series of lectures and articles as well as books that cover this subject. An excellent place to start studying is an article he wrote entitled “The Dumbing Down of America.”
Modern Methods
Meanwhile, the techniques of dumbing down children have become much more sophisticated and complex. For example, the methodology in the “Dick and Jane” books evolved into the Whole Language approach, which is prevalent today. Here’s a definition of Whole Language as given by three professors of education in a book entitled Whole Language: What’s the Difference published in 1991 (p. 32):
To learn more about Blumenfeld’s work and find excellent resources, click here.
Blumenfeld shared that when Russia took phonics out of school and used more of a look say (guess) method, it caused the Russian people to only be able to read at a 3rd or 4th-grade level. Once children couldn’t decode and read upper-level material, it was much easier to indoctrinate them. When Dick and Jane became the premier readers for children in the late ’50s and early ’60s in U.S.schools, the level of reading ability went way down. A student who cannot read beyond a 4th-grade level cannot read the found documents of their country. It’s a way to implement non-thinkers and Communism.
It’s imperative to implement the following topics to create positive changes in the United States School System.
School Choice:
Start over with publicly-financed competitive private education.
Public education was the brainchild of Karl Marx, and Marxism is poison. Unfortunately, critical Race Theory is essentially Marxism, and here’s an excellent source to learn more of this evil.
“The threats to our communities, our families, and our faith–the pillars that allow us to live out our freedom–are vast, real, and increasingly hostile.
Among these threats is a radical philosophy rooted in Marxism, known as Critical Race Theory. This framework views all of society through a racialized prism of identity groups, with minorities being the oppressed and white people serving as the oppressor. Where Karl Marx separated society into the capitalist bourgeoisie and the oppressed proletariat, adherents of Critical Race Theory have substituted race for Marx’s class and economic distinctions.”
“Civics is the study of the rights and obligations of citizens in society.” Civics needs to be taught from kindergarten through grade 12. Take pride in one’s country and accomplishments. Promote the Founding Principles.
De-socialize: Get rid of any program that is contrary to the Founding Principles set out in our U.S. Documents. B sics must be taught meaning, Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic. Abandon all programs and methods such as “Common Core.”
Redo all Textbooks: Textbooks should contain loyalty to country, conservative values, work ethic, and no liberal content. Loyalty to country must be instilled, and the Pledge of Allegiance to the American flag is required daily.
Eliminate the teachers’ and Government Unions: Teachers Unions are Communistic and Socialistic in nature and need to be immediately eliminated. There is no need for them. Government Unions must be eliminated as well.
Parental Control: The State does not own children. P rents are to have full control over all areas, including education. O ly parents outside the school system are permitted to be on the School Board.
Values: Proper and upstanding values must be taught at all times.
Transparency: There must be an open classroom policy at all times and especially for parents. All educational materials must be open to the public at all times.
Representation: Hire school staff who are honest and transparent about their political and philosophical backgrounds. They must meet the criteria of the community they live in.
It will take following all these core principles for schools to function properly.
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