Study: 1/3 Evangelicals Want More In-depth Sermons+ Other Revealing Factoids
The study asked protestants what they wanted to change about their church in 14 different categories,
In the signs of the times showing the frequent vapidity of modern evangelicalism, 30% of Evangelicals want their pastor to be preaching deeper and more in-depth sermons, according to recent study by Grey Matter Research.
The study asked protestants what they wanted to change about their church in 14 different categories, including sermon length, style of music, amount of political messaging, level of racial diversity. They found among other things:
8% said they wanted sermons to be longer
18% said they wanted more traditional music
22% wished for fewer sermons with political messages
7% wished their congregation was smaller (26% wanted it larger)
62% wanted more outreach to the community
According to Mark Dreistadt, CEO of Infinity Concepts
“The most surprising insight was that 30% of evangelicals want more in-depth teaching than their church is currently providing. This demonstrates an opportunity for pastors to go deeper into the Word of God. This is good news at a time in our culture when biblical literacy is so low — there appears to be a desire among evangelicals to deepen their understanding of biblical truth.”
h/t Christian Post