Stripper Heels? Jesus in Drag? Methodist ‘Pastor’ Wears Insanely Blasphemous Vestments for ‘Drag Queen Sunday’
Allendale United Methodist Church is one the most progressive ‘churches’ we’ve ever seen. Led by Rev. Andy Oliver, his congregation is “committed to anti-racism and radical solidarity with folx on the margin,” while he himself is “grounded in liberation theology and following Jesus” while being “a community organizer who always located himself with the oppressed.”
This is the same church that preaches super cringe sermons that give trigger warnings for “violent” bible verses, reassuring congregants that if the scripture is too triggering, people can leave, all the while leading them through calming breath exercises.
This is also the same church that gets super litigious when people post clips of their sermons on social media, handing out copyright strikes like candy, even when content is clearly fair use.
For their December 29th service, Oliver, whose new ‘drag stole’ is one of the most offensive pieces of church garments we’ve ever seen, explains:
Today our worship service is a bit different. It focuses on joy and laughter and hope in the season. The angels were very clear in their message: the birth of Christ was to bring joy to the whole world.
So this morning we’re going to sing, we’re gonna clap, we’re gonna pray, we’re gonna find God’s Spirit in the playful connection. And of course, as we do every month where there is a fifth Sunday, we have mixed in drag queens.
Think of them this morning as the angels bringing good tidings of fabulous joy.