Stop “Convention of States” Which Leads to Global World Governance
U.S. Constitution under ATTACK
U.S. Constitution under ATTACK
Will your Constitutional Rights survive?
This article was submitted to MDG by Lark Chadwick. (Great job Lark)
The U.S. Constitution has enabled greater freedom and prosperity for a greater number of people than any system ever devised by man.
But today our Constitution is under attack from all sides. A nationwide coalition of factions and personalities on both the left and right – with reach into Montana – threatens to rewrite our Constitution by means of an Article V convention. They just need state legislatures to apply to the U.S. Congress to call a Convention. Some are calling also for a Convention of States to propose amendments to the Constitution.
Beyond the first ten amendments – Bill of Rights [all reinforcing unalienable rights] -, without which our Constitution would never have been ratified, there are an additional 17, to total 27 Amendments to the Constitution for the United States. Some argue that certain of those amendments have harmed rather than reinforced our liberty and freedoms. The 16th [federal income tax – which happens to be plank #2 of the Communist Manifesto] and 17th Amendments [direct popular election of Senators that extinguished States Legislature’s authority] and the 18th [Prohibition – a federal power grab if ever there was one] later repealed by the 21st, are first to come to mind. This leaves 13 other Amendments to more closely evaluate with respect to their expansion [or not] of liberty. That discussion could be many pages longer than this short letter.
You can be a hero and help preserve our Constitution by opposing the Article V convention process and/or a Convention of States to propose amendments as a means to amend the Constitution. Permanent damage could be done if we open it up for revision in today’s political environment with groups and interests at all extremes of the political spectrum seeking to end American sovereignty in favor of a global governance that would make unwilling, forced compliance, world ‘citizens’ of us all. Just who would be the masters in that scenario? Certainly NOT us, “We The People”.
The Constitution is the Solution.
Lark Chadwick, Montana Committee to Protect the Constitution. First published by Lark Chadwick here.
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