A shocking audio recording has surfaced by an anonymous caller that includes threats to Montana Superintendent of Public Instruction, Elsie Arntzen, and anyone who supports her.
Threats against public servants are nothing new, and, in fact, occur on a regular basis. The audio file linked below, however, has the rare distinction of appearing to record threats from someone who actually seems to be demonically possessed. This is not hyperbole.
The file made its way to the staff of Montana Daily Gazette yesterday, via one of our many inside sources, and shocked everyone who heard it played for the first time. Put simply, the audio is creepy; especially the part when the female caller slips into a different voice about halfway through the recording.
The voluminous amount of lies from the left being exposed daily seems to have unleashed the inner demons that likely possess a great number of people who hate this nation, and the audio recording seems to be a result of those demons acting out. Sadly, for them, those who love liberty and resist tyrants are just getting warmed up. The audio file is linked HERE
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