School Teacher ‘Drag Mom’ Sentenced to 11 Months in Jail for Child Porn
Pray for these innocent children who are being subjected to this type of perversion at such a young age.
Kelsey Meta-Boren, a public school teacher and self-described “drag mom,” was just sentenced to a mere 11 months in jail after pleading guilty and being convicted of 11 counts of felony child sex abuse related to uploading child pornography online. ‘Drag mom’ refers to an older drag queen who mentors younger performers. Allegedly Meta-Boren served in this role for an 11-year-old drag queen named Vanellope MacPherson DuPont.
Following the arrest, the young boy’s family denied that Meta-Boren was his “drag mom,” distancing themselves by saying that the child only met Meta-Boren “maybe four or five times.” The family said, “Meta-Boren was not a family friend, nor was she ever a mentor for V in the drag world.” Whether or not they put their abused and confused child in sustained care and mentorship of this predatory pervert is immaterial, as it’s evident that this degenerate family supports their son’s delusions that he is a girl and is perfectly willing to parade him in front of adults.
Tragically, the boy and Meta-Boren were scheduled to perform drag shows together. Prior to the arrest, the two were advertised to perform in an underage drag show in a bar in Eugene, Oregon called Old Nick’s. This bar is a den of the most degenerate types of perversion known to man and is openly Satanic. A cursory glance at their upcoming schedule reveals debauched events such as Fetish Night, Pagan Pub Moot, Drag Bingo (complete with children’s cartoon characters in the advertisement), and The Traveling Vampire Show.
According to reports, “The arrest, along with news of a child drag queen performing at the bar, spurred protests outside Old Nick’s, which ultimately led to the kid not performing.” Unsurprisingly, a host of counter protestors joined the fray, arguing for the virtue and goodness of the 11-year old performing drag, which is a particularly perverse hill to die on. Unsurprisingly, Old Nick’s condemned the protests as “bigotry.”
Both public school teacher and pedophile, Kelsey Meta-Boren was entrusted with caring for other people’s children and spent that time encouraging children to enter into a debased lifestyle that all too often ends in teenage suicide, and few around her blinked an eye.
The family of the child is also not blameless. Although it is unclear to what degree this family put this young boy in Meta-Boren’s care as a mentee or not, they still support their young son’s delusions and were perfectly fine with him being paraded in front of a bunch of sodomites at a Satanic bar. Pray for these innocent children who are being subjected to this type of perversion at such a young age.