SBC Leaders Trevin Wax, JD Greear & Vance Pitman Come Out AGAINST Law Amendment at NAMB Send Event
Multiple parties are reporting the panel of Southern Baptist leaders and speakers at this evening’s SEND event, hosted by the SBC’s North American Mission Board, spoke out against the Law Amendment in front of hundreds of church planters and their families. The amendment, one of the SBC’s most contentious in years, clarifies that the SBC only cooperates with churches that do not affirm, appoint, or employ a woman as a pastor of any kind. If passed, any SBC church with women pastors would have to remove them or get deleted from the convention.
The leaders who have allegedly publicly opposed the proposed amendment in front of hundreds of church planters and their families, suggesting it would make the denomination hierarchically “top down” include:
Vance Pitman. Send Network President.
Trevin Wax, NAMB Vice President of Research and Resource Development.
JD Greear, Former SBC President and current pastor of Summit Church. Brian Bloye, Send Network Vice President of Strategies and Development.
Commenting on the story, SBC Presidential candidate Jared Moore argued:
The position was echoed by Jeff Wright and William Wolfe
We’ve reached out to these panelists for comment and will update accordingly.