Ruslan Joins Joel Osteen, NAR False Prophets for ‘Prosperity & Wealth” SCAM!
Sadly, hundreds of thousands have undergone this program, being exposed to this wretched hive of scum and villainy
Christian YouTube creator Ruslan KD, who we’ve clashed with in the past for giving passes to Modalists like Marcus Rogers, doubling down on dissing us over a John MacArthur/Julie Roys article and generally acting as an arrogant gatekeeping elitist, has joined up with arch-heretic Joel Osteen and the who’s who of New Apostolic Reformation prophets for a 31 Day Wisdom Challenge, being one of the speakers for an event designed to promote health, wealth, and other prosperity, all done in a completely scammy way.
The program, which has a supposed value of “$995.00,” offers “mentoring” and “personal insights and revelation from influential leaders making Massive Kingdom Impact in the areas of Business, Ministry, Hollywood, Social Media, Government, and more. (Editor’s Note. Seven Mountain Mandate)
Organizer Pedro Aduro explains to prospective participants that “I’d like to invite you to decide and declare that no matter what happens in 2023, it will happen for you good…it will be for you and not to you” so that you can “experience even more of God’s goodness, favor, and prosperity in 2023 all while making a massive impact for the Kingdom.”
He says, “I can’t tell you how excited I am to start announcing the incredible line-up of revelatory teachers and prophets…and the incredibly successful entrepreneurs I have lined up to share with you, very private and personal study notes…from their own search for the wisdom of God as provided in the Book of Proverbs…if you hunger for increased wisdom and kingdom revelation…and are committed to 2023 being a year of favor, prosperity, and breakthrough…” then this event is for you.
Some of the revelatory teachers and prophets include:
Bill Johnson, Lead pastor of Bethel Church who oversees an empire of blasphemy and false teaching. They have a ‘Lab’ where they apply scientific methods to the prophetic + People. Only $2750!
Christine Caine, the charismatic, egalitarian, one-time leader from Hillsong who preaches the word/faith prosperity gospel while leading a network designed to empower women to become preachers and pastors. Caine holds to the notion that Jesus died on the cross to give you possessions, wealth, and health, and that it is there for the taking if you have enough faith and confess it positively.
Keith Ferrante, the founder of Emerging Prophet and the founder of Prophetic Consulting Certification, he offers a certification program where he can train you how to grow your prophetic ministry for only $4997.00
Joel Osteen, a straight-up heretic, no matter what Ruslan and Mike Winger say.
Ron Carpenter, a megachurch pastor who sued his church over a $6.25M retirement package he alleges was promised after he gave the church away to a different pastor.
Dr. Brian Simmons, a NAR “apostle” who is the author of wretched and anti-biblical The Passion “translation.” He claims that Jesus appeared to him and gave him “secrets” of the Hebrew language. Lest you are confused about the “Dr.” in front of his name, it wasn’t due to his scholarly prowess. Rather, he received it from Wagner Leadership Institute – a NAR organization founded by C. Peter Wagner that offers courses in subjects like dream interpretation and miracle-working and where you can get a “Masters of Spiritual Healing, Deliverance, and Warfare” or a “Masters of Apostolic Leadership and Applied Ministry.”
Graham Cooke, the head Prophet and Founder of Brilliant Perspectives. He is a “specialist in exploratory dialogue” and a “consultant to numerous churches, organizations and businesses.”
Heidi Baker, a charismatic prophetess who routinely gives false prophecies claims she frequently visits heaven where she is given special revelation. She’s crazy as a rat in a coffee can.
Stacey Campbell, a charismatic prophetess known for violently and vigorously shaking her head when she’s prophesying. She is described on her website as “a prophetic voice to this generation” who has a “passion to teach believers to know how to hear the voice of God through proper teaching and strong values.”
Dano McCollam, a Co-founder of Bethel School of the Prophets and founder of Prophetic Company.
Kris Vallotton, Bethel Church’s chief prophet and healer. The leader of the Bethel School of Supernatural ministry, he’s claimed his prayers have regrown and recreated hymens before and can fix vehicles just by laying hands on them. He famously prophesied Trump would win the 2020 election.
The program is also endorsed by Shawn Bolz, the poster child for false prophecies and whose prophetic predictions have proven to be less accurate than a drunken meteorologist. He falsely prophesied about the quick end of COVID-19 back on February 28, 2020, before any deaths in the United States, and falsely prophesied that Trump would win in 2020.
Sadly, hundreds of thousands have undergone this program, being exposed to this wretched hive of scum and villainy.
As soon as we signed up, we were invited to buy a “Wisdom Journal for $31,” which we declined.
Then we were prompted to buy a special offer of a “Wisdom Pack” workshop, a “$2300 value” for only $95.
This pack includes the journal, a 90-minute workshop on how to Dream with God (value $495), tickets to his conference in March (value $695), a “Kingdom Wealth Workshop” where in just three hours he’ll teach about “creating wealth, protecting wealth, stewarding wealth and multiplying wealth from a kingdom perspective.” (value $995) and access to some YouTube Videos. (value $95)
The website is plastered with warnings that “ONCE YOU LEAVE THIS PAGE, YOU WILL NOT SEE THIS PRICE AGAIN! with a countdown timer showing 5 minutes left. This naturally resets each time you refresh the page, because you can absolutely get this price anytime you want, creating a deceptive sense of urgency.
Once you bypass this, the site prompts you to download the 31-Day Wisdom app, where much of everything will take place. Despite claiming that over 100,000 people have done the Wisdom Training, the app has only 5000 downloads.
This entire event is one big red flag on every level possible, and now Ruslan is right in there along with this, joining with these hucksters and money grubbers for a truly wretched event. We are not asserting that he agrees with all of this- maybe he does and maybe he doesn’t- but the lack of discernment involved to find himself among them is truly breathtaking, and shows how unqualified he really is.
h/t to Shawn at Revealing Truth on YouTube.