Rod Parsley and Daughter RIP Into Congregants, Call Them ‘Reprobates’ Who Only ‘Left Dung’
Rod Parsley is the impastor of World Harvest Church and a noted Word/ Faith televangelist. A NAR heretic who never met a bible verse he couldn’t twist, he is known for his constant money-grubbing, constantly cajoling the masses by promising that anyone who sows a seed into his ministry will receive miracles and megabucks.
We last wrote about him in our posts: Rod Parsley’s NAR Network Will Ordain Anyone for $100 and ‘Ongoing Monthly Tithes,’, that time Money Grubber Rod Parsley Claims Jesus Never Said’ My God Why Have You Forsaken Me’ On Cross, and Rod Parsley ‘Binds’ Autism, Asperger’s and OCD’ in Favored Grift.
In a recent video, Parsley and his daughter Ashton went on off the congregants after some long-term members decided to leave over issues of apparent political disagreement, excoriating them for their actions and for daring to get “fed” and “blessed” by them for years and then just leave, taking their finances with them.
Some of you came and you ate and you left your dung, and you’ve done nothing to reinvest in the vision. You’re a reprobate. The bible calls you a reprobate. (Rod: “Prophesy, prophet.”) That means you’ve been turned over. When you’re disobedient to what God tells you to do, especially in the realm of finances, you reap a curse upon yourself.
And for those of you that have been a part of this ministry, I’m just gonna talk prophetically here. You’ve been a part of this ministry, you’ve watched your family get saved, you’ve watched your family be healed, you’ve received personal miracles in your own body, in your family, in your finances, and you’ve left this place because you’ve gotten your feelings. You got your feelings hurt. If I left this place every time I got my feelings hurt, honey, I would’ve left when I was 3 years old. Grow up! Grow up! You’re immature. You’re immature and you’re a reprobate and you sow discord and dissension and then expect to reap the blessing of God. That’s not how this works.