Rick Warren Can’t Stop Insulting Southern Baptist Laity: ‘Angry Fundamentalist,’ ‘Legalist Showmen’ ‘Angry Fighters’
As braggart Rick Warren faces the gallows at this week’s 2023 SBC Annual Meeting- his church set to be defeated and personally disfellowshipped for possessing multiple lady impastors in contravention to the BFM2000- he continues to take potshots at Southern Baptists who disagree with his desperate attempts to turn the denomination egalitarian, lobbing insult after insult as he copes and seethes with his dramatic demise.
Keen on creating as much division as possible upon his exit, Warren castigates 30% of the convention as angry fighters looking for victims to demonize.
Explaining that he doesn’t expect to win in New Orleans, Warren laments he’s unable to “change the mind of any angry fundamentalist” – spitting out the acidic accusation as if ‘fundamentalists’ is a curse word bubbling in his own bile, and that these bitter-clinger Southern Baptists are weaponizing the confessions to coerce uniformity, being just a bunch of “fearful legalist showman.”
The self-immolation is stunning to behold. Even with a burnt and crispy finger pointed to heaven, he claims his reputational kamikaze and exegetical suicide is an act of ‘obedience to God’- a dying gasp after a life of delusion.