Rep. Hillary Scholten, a Member of the Christian Reformed Church, Defends Legal Abortion at Calvin University
Two months ago, newly-elected Rep. Hillary Scholten (D-MI) quoted scripture to defend the practice of child sacrifice in pursuit of prosperity during a House floor speech. Scholten has served as a DEACON in a Christian Reformed Church (CRCNA), LaGrave Avenue Christian Reformed Church in Grand Rapids, and her husband is a professor at Calvin University, which is affiliated with the denomination.
At the time she quoted Jeremiah as her basis for for promoting baby butchery, explaining:
As a pro-choice Christian who chose life, this issue is so personal to me. My faith informs my actions, but it doesn’t dictate the policy of an entire nation. And further, when I read the scripture, I turn to passages and I’m guided by passages like Jeremiah 1 verses [sic] 5, which states: “I knew you before I formed you, and I placed you in your mother’s womb.” Doesn’t say the government’s womb or the Speaker’s womb. It says the mother’s womb.
I believe life is precious, but I reject the idea that if I embrace the sanctity of life, I also must be forced to invite the federal government in to regulate it. We must protect families from unnecessary government intrusion into the most sacred and personal decisions of our lives.
Weeks later, she appeared at Calvin University, the Michigan-based University belonging to the conservative CRCNA (Christian Reformed Church in North America). Calvin should no longer be considered a Christian University after it compromised on issues of biblical sexual morality by allowing professors to affirm sodomy, thereby continuing its dark descent into theological deviltry.
Scholten explains her repugnant reasoning:
The First Amendment says, of course, that Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof. So when we begin making immediate policy decisions based on what one interprets scripture to mean, we’re essentially making laws for one religion that in practice in the United States, would apply to all the others.
Some of you may be sitting there saying, what’s the problem with that? We’re Christian people, we’re supposed to implement our ideas into the world.
But as a free nation we, of course, don’t want other people’s religion inhibiting our free exercise thereof. For example, the abortion example and the sacredness of life. There are areas in which we would say as reformed Christians, here we have a clear policy that we could make a blanket rule where we would outlaw all abortion. But that would require a consensus on what scripture says about exactly where life begins and preclude any decision for debate.
As reformed Christians, this also brings the second problem related to the first, is that Christians don’t always agree on the exact interpretation of scripture. As a confessional denomination, our top three sources of authority are actually silent on this particular issue.”