Randy Weaver was a wonderful man and loved by many. He and his daughters Sara and Rachel all reside in Kalispell MT.
The man at the center of a standoff in North Idaho 30 years ago that resulted in three deaths and drew national attention has died.
Randy Weaver, whose name will forever be linked to Ruby Ridge, died on Wednesday. He was 74.
His daughter Sara, on her “Ruby Ridge to Freedom” Facebook page, posted this:
“Love you always Dad….”
“See ya next time I see ya”
“January 3, 1948 – May 11, 2022”
Randy Weaver had apparently not been well. On April 21, Sarah Weaver wrote, “Those of you that pray and feel led to pray, please pray whatever Holy Spirit puts on your heart for my Dad now. God knows.”
Weaver moved his family to North Idaho in the 1980s. The Army veteran was later suspected of selling a government informant two illegal sawed-off shotguns.
According to an Associated Press report, on Aug. 21, 1992, “a team of U.S. marshals scouting the forest to find suitable places to ambush and arrest Weaver came across his friend, Kevin Harris, and Weaver’s 14-year-old son Samuel in the woods. A gunfight broke out. Samuel Weaver and Deputy U.S. Marshal William Degan were killed.”
The next day, an FBI sniper shot and wounded Randy Weaver, AP reported.
“As Weaver, Harris, and Sara ran back toward the house, the sniper fired a second bullet, which passed through Vicki Weaver’s head and wounded Harris in the chest.”
The family surrendered on Aug. 31, 1992.
Harris and Randy Weaver were arrested, and Weaver’s daughters went to live with their mother’s family in Iowa. Randy Weaver was acquitted of the most serious charges and Harris was acquitted of all charges.
The surviving Weavers filed a wrongful death lawsuit. The federal government awarded Randy Weaver a $100,000 settlement and his three daughters $1 million each in 1995, AP reported.
You can read the rest of the story here. Couer d’Alene Press By BILL BULEY
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