Prominent Pastor Says the White Church ‘Created Racism’ + Advocates for Reparations
How far this man has fallen
When we last saw former Gospel Coalition author and council member Thabiti Anyabwile, he had preached a sermon explaining that all black Christians and minorities must imbibe a ‘twoness’ to their identities, and must not assimilate into the mindset where they see themselves simply as a Christian, but rather must view themselves as both Christian and Black, as failing to do so will result in their destruction.
Naturally, he was in rare form at the 2022 Exiles in Babylon Conference, where he addressed the issue of reparations and racism in the church.
Note. As a brief refresher to familiarize yourself with Anyabwile, the pastor has used his social media platforms to refer to his leftist positions as “pro-life” issues and yet endorses pro-choice candidates like Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden while claiming that all white evangelicals are guilty of racism. Anyabwile’s real name is “Ron Burns” but he chose the name “Thabiti Anyabwile” to identify with the “Black Nationalist Movement,” a move he made prior to converting from Christianity to Islam. Afterward, Anyabwile claimed to have been reconverted to Christianity but chose to keep his Black Nationalist name, which should tell everyone something about him.
Thabiti is a very active and vocal proponent of white folk giving reparations to black folk. He has claimed that resisting reparations is ‘the echo of Cain’s voice’ and that white folk who reject systematic racism and reparations can’t read their bibles right.
During his message he shared, as reported by the progressive rag Baptist News Global
“Part of what needs to be restored is dignity. We had a system of theft that not only took labor, but took culture, took dignity, to some extent took a sense of humanity. … We’ve got to actually have conversations about ending the indignities of a society that was predicated upon that kind of theft and restoring dignity to those for whom it has been robbed.”
Later he opined:
“…Race and racism is not something that happened to the American church, but something the American church did using the Bible to create, legalize and profit from. … Race and racism are topics Christians ought to know the truth about, ought to know a great deal about. After all, it is the American church’s creation.
…willful ignorance is a significant part of white American culture.”
Editor’s Note. Audio and video to be uploaded in about a month.