PRESS RELEASE: Mailchimp Bans Gideon Knox Group For Emailing "Banned" News Stories
Gideon Knox Group is a publisher for Christian and conservative alternative news sources, as well as a think tank and public relations firm dedicated to helping Christian and conservative leaders. It is for this reason - and out of an attempt to engage in viewpoint discrimination - that Mailchimp has banned us from using their services to communicate with our supporters.
As announced earlier this week, Gideon Knox Group launched The Insurgency email list using emails obtained legally and ethically among our news consumers who voluntarily asked to receive news updates. The purpose of The Insurgency updates - as stated at the time - is to get out news that has been "banned" by Big Tech social media platforms.
Without telling us why they have banned us, and only linking to prohibitions against pornography and terrorism, Mailchimp claims that we are in violation of their policies without any specificity. Like a pro-gun group they banned earlier in the week, Mailchimp continues to stifle free speech in one of the last remaining places - the private correspondence found in your email inbox.
If even our emails are 'fact-checked' by nefarious freedom-hating fascists, there is no reason our text messages can't be censored as well. This is a dark day for America and we are heading into tough times.
Gideon Knox Group will work through our Big Sky Public Policy Institute to craft legislation designed to place Big Tech companies operating with liability immunity (usually reserved for public utilities) under the stewardship of the Montana Public Service Commission, which will protect our communication rights from companies with ideological agendas. It is in Montana's best interest to have a free and open Internet, and we have a mechanism in Montana - the PSC - that is suited for this task if only the legislature will grant them the capacity to defend our interests.
Meanwhile, other legislation should be passed immediately forbidding the State of Montana from doing business with any company that censors the speech of its clients. We are speaking now with legislators who will carry that legislation.