Pope Francis Appoints ANOTHER Pro-Choicer to his Pro-Life Organization
When the CNA asked for comment on her views on abortion, she refused to give them, saying she had no comment until February 2023
Days ago we told you how Pope Francis appointed radical pro-choicer economist Mariana Mazzucato to the Pontifical Academy for Life, a Roman Catholic pro-life organization dedicated to “study, information and formation on the principal problems of biomedicine and of law, relative to the promotion and defense of life.”
Turns out she’s not the only one. The decrepit pontiff also appointed Sheila Dinotshe Tlou, a Botswanan nursing professor who has been involved in HIV/AIDS prevention. According to the CNA she’s an “adviser for a group whose work includes improving the market for “safe abortion” supplies and an “outspoken advocate of contraception, a position at odds with the Catholic Church’s teaching that artificial birth control is morally unacceptable.”
(Tlou) is on the oversight committee providing strategic and technical guidance for SEMA Reproductive Health, a partnership launched in 2021 to help improve the market for “sexual and reproductive health products,” the group’s website says. These products include contraceptives, medicine to treat pregnancy complications, and “supplies for safe abortion and post-abortion care.”
According to SEMA Reproductive Health, these products are “critical to saving lives and advancing gender equality.”
“They can dramatically improve people’s health and well-being by reducing unintended pregnancies, unsafe abortions, and maternal deaths,” the group’s website says.
Tellingly, when the CNA asked for comment on her views on abortion, she refused to give them, saying she had no comment until February 2023, which is when Pontifical Academy for Life meets. Lastly, though she has not made the bold declarations that Marzacotto has made, her non-answer of the question, her comfort with making provision for safe abortions and commitment to “reproductive health” gives us a clear picture of what she believes