Podcast: Andy Stanley Sermon, Dan Darling finger-Wagging at the Babylon Bee, James Merritt SBC Stuff, and Is It Sinful for an Introverted Spouse to Have ‘Me Time’
Episodes of Protestia Tonight and Bible Bashed can be downloaded on all your podcast apps .
On Protestia Tonight, David discusses the virtue-signaling pronoun ban in Michigan, Andy Stanley’s continued minimization of the Bible, and Dan Darling finger-wagging at the Babylon Bee for satirizing Biden. In the PT VIP, we discuss the times women can preach, starting locally with our reforms and the most obvious evidence that James Merritt should not be trusted.
On Bible Bashed, Tim and Harrison delve into the topic of “me time” for introverted spouses within the context of marriage. They say while it is ok to do some things by yourself, we must also consider the biblical teachings on selflessness and putting others’ needs above our own and that its important to differentiate between healthy hobbies that involve being alone and using “me time” as a means of avoiding or withdrawing from the responsibilities of marriage.