Pastrix Paula White Says Christians Must NOT Convert Jews
White-Caine is the false teacher scandal-riddled head pastrix of City of Dreams church. She’s been rubbing shoulders with NAR ne’er do wells for decades now and absorbing and parroting back tall tales, vision from God, prophetic utterance, and every wacky theology to come down the pike and from the mumbled mind of charismatic misfits. We last wrote about her after she repeatedly partnered with the demonic Moonies cult and was accused of serial adultery by one of her former husbands.
In an interview with the Jerusalem Post, Paula White engages in some dispensational heresies of John Hagee-ian proportions, insisting that Christians should not seek to convert Jews but rather learn from them.
Paul made very clear that God extended his love to the Gentiles, but he did not take something from the Jews and tell us to go back and course correct or convert them. I do not want to convert Jews or send them to [live in] Israel for the rapture. The plan for salvation for the Jews is God’s.”
Adding that it was an “an injustice to ourselves” to not understand the first five books of the bible and the law within, White added that “there are so many churches in America that are deeply hungry to understand Torah. You can be Jewish without being Christian, but you cannot be Christian without understanding Judaism.”
h/t Now The End Begins