Pastor who Endorsed Marital Rape Removed from Church
We are of the opinion here at Protestia that SDA is generally considered a cult with many cultic practices
Two weeks ago, Seventh Day Adventist pastor* Burnett Robinson drew widespread criticism after he gave a sermon about wives submitting to husbands and offered this wretched, sinful piece of advice:
“In this matter of submission, I want you to know upfront, ladies, that once you get married, you are no longer your own. You are your husband’s. You understand what I’m saying? I emphasize that because I saw in court the other day on TV where a lady sued her husband for rape. And I would say to you, gentlemen, the best person to rape is your wife. But then it has become legalized.”
Robinson, who served for nearly a decade as the senior pastor of Grand Concourse Seventh-day Adventist Church in New York City was put on administrative leave and after a barrage of protests and negative social media, has resigned from the pastorate as a result of this message. Kevin Lampe, a communications consultant for the SDA, released a statement, explaining:
“The Greater New York Conference of Seventh-day Adventists recognizes many have been deeply harmed by the sentiments expressed by Robinson. The views he expressed are wrong and not accepted by our church. Rape and sexual assault of women are crimes and should always be treated as such. We will continue to educate and counsel all pastors, seminary students, and staff to fully understand that this type of rhetoric is abhorrent and unequivocally unacceptable.”
Editor’s Note. We are of the opinion here at Protestia that SDA is generally considered a cult with many cultic practices, and that Ellen G. White was as crazy as a rat in a coffee can. That being said, depending on what degree they view the authority of her writings, there is a small possibility that genuine believers may exist within the SDA. For this reason, we would encourage anyone part of this denomination to flee from it and join a biblical church.