Pastor of Canada’s Third Largest Church, Bruxy Cavey, Arrested for Sexual Assault
Six months after Bruxy Cavey, the pastor of one of Canada’s largest churches, one of the country’s most recognizable religious leaders, and also a rank heretic resigned after a woman came forward accusing him of sexual misconduct, police have arrested him and charged him with sexual assault, saying they believe there may be more victims and asked anyone to come forward.
If you have any information that you believe could assist investigators regarding this crime, you are asked to contact Detective Constable Jeremy Miller at 905-540-5050 or Detective Sergeant Jennifer Currie at 905-546-4962.
Cavey was pastoring the Meeting House, a 5000-member multi-campus megachurch in Oakville, ON. He is also a false teacher, who denies penal substitutionary atonement, biblical inerrancy, the eternality of hell, has an unbiblical view of the sin of homosexuality, and displays an affinity for open-theism. For more information on Cavey’s many false beliefs, click here.
During a meeting three months ago, the church shared:
“An independent third party investigator to conduct a thorough investigation into the allegations….(and) determined that Bruxy had maintained a sexual relationship with the victim, an adult woman, in the violation of The Meeting House policy and The Handbook On Faith And Life of Be In Christ Church Of Canada. The investigator also found that what became a sexual relationship between Bruxy and the victim, which lasted over an extended period of time, constituted an abuse of Bruxy’s power and authority as a member of the clergy, and amounted to sexual harassment…”
In a statement made by the victim at the time of Bruxy’s initial resignation, she bristled at the notion that this was merely an “affair” as he claimed, but rather pastoral sexual misconduct:
“This began during a pastoral-counseling relationship when I was 23 and he was 46. I was in crisis and trusted him. And I did not, nor could I, consent to a sexual relationship with him….This, for me, was not an extramarital relationship or affair. It was a devastating twisting of pastoral care into sexual abuse.”