Open Border Argument! Russell Moore Thinks Ethno-Nationalism Started With…Cain?
"...That’s, I think, not just dangerous. I think it’s rooted in something that is Antichrist.”
Speaking on Episode 17 of the Ploughcast, Russell Moore- a lifelong Democrat, never-Trumper, and notorious race grifter– argued that anyone who doesn’t want open borders is walking in the way of killer Cain, explaining:
“We belong to the body of Christ, which is, is just as much Asia and Africa and Latin America. So I think the framing of who we are, and the sort of blood and soil identity is exactly what you see going all the way back to Lamech and Nimrod and Cain. And what you see happening with what John the Baptist is saying, “don’t say to yourselves, We are children of Abraham, because God from these stones can raise up children of Abraham.”
So that sense of seeing ourselves primarily to the flesh and fleshly bloodlines, especially in terms of saying ‘who are the people who don’t belong to us and therefore we have no responsibility for?
That’s, I think, not just dangerous. I think it’s rooted in something that is Antichrist.”
Editor’s Note. h/t to @Wokepreachertv