Op-Ed: Youth Group, the Great Commission, and Why Many Youth Pastors Can’t Care for Kittens
If we sent all American youth pastors to the foreign mission field we would fulfill a two-thousand year-old Great Commission in mere *weeks.*
There are 31,309 youth pastors in America. There are only 6,185 unreached people groups.
If we sent all American youth pastors to the foreign mission field we would fulfill a two-thousand year-old Great Commission in mere *weeks.*
Instead, we pay educated and ordained ministers missionary-level salaries to play laser tag and organize pizza parties.
Youth pastors are for orphanages. For everyone else, God provided something called “parents.”
Granted, the Senitelise Tribe may be freaked out by laser tag.
Ask these questions:
* Why must youth learn separately from their parents?
* Where is ‘youth pastor’ (or the concept) eluded to in Scripture?* How does age segregation *hurt* rather than *help* your church?
* Is the type of activity that attracts lost youth worth the dumbing-down of saved youth?
* Are parents unable to disciple their own kids? Why? Is it possible it’s because THEY went to youth group, starting them down the wrong path of what constitutes an actual religious education?
* It creates MUCH smoke in church. Answer honestly: Does it produce much fire?
* If children of church families won’t go unless there’s youth group, is it not a sign the child is unconverted or the parent not parenting?
* Is it possible that the Seeker-Friendly model of crap-church (Furtick, Lusko, Huschka, Nobel, etc) is little more than “youth group for adults?”Is this the source of the entertainment-driven church?
* Is entertainment-driven youth and college ministry the genesis of so many entertainment garbage-churches today?
* Is it possible that youth ministry keeps kids immature, instead of turning them into adults?
* Is it possible that youth ministry is the reason 80% of kids 18+ leave the church, as soon as the youth group carnival ride is over?
A man feeling called to ministry should not be told “babysit our kids” but “Go to Nambia, there is a tribe that has not heard there yet.”
Downside: Without youth group, there’s not a place for kids to “hook up” behind their parents’ back. So there’s that drawback.
Lastly, I should note, (as you are aware) many youth pastors aren’t qualified to care for cats, let alone be pastors in America or missionaries overseas. I pray you see past my hyperbole to the point.
Editor’s Note. Taken From JD Hall’s Facebook page