Op-Ed: “The Plan of Safety” that Harmed and Killed (which School Boards and Superintendents Allowed)-Despicable
In the U.S. school educators and administrators just assumed that students would want to do what was best for the “greater good”
The following Editorial was written by Brenda Roskos.
When schools (meaning public schools and even many private ones) hooked up hand and hand with the CDC and their local health officers in not just Montana but nationwide (and all in the name of “health”) it backfired and in a horrific way.
America went the way of “China” who’ve been wearing masks for all sorts of reasons for years. Have you ever seen the face of many of those students and even the younger ones? They shut up, line up, and do as they are told like good little soldiers. And yet inside each or those little and bigger ‘persons’ lies a soul, a soul longing to laugh and dance and sing and BREATHE.
In the U.S. school educators and administrators just assumed that students would want to do what was best for the “greater good” (and often that meant wearing a mask because the teachers were and are scared you will make them sick).
Teenagers especially like to make their own bodily decisions and not be told what to do. When boxed in they revolt.
In general, grades are much lower, “skipping school” is at an all-time high EVERYWHERE, and forcing especially teenagers to mask up or be “suspended” simply doesn’t work. Quarantining brought about suicides and the fiber of the “school system” which was hanging on by a thread anyway has all but deteriorated.
These children are and were controlled, deceived, and abused.
The following picture needs no explanation as it says it all.
Shame on those who had any part of these monstrous activities.
Child abuse is alive and rampant in the U.S. and all in the name of safety.
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