Op-Ed: Not Trying to Split Republican Party, Except Maybe a Little
Let me personally say with all sincerity that I love both Dr. Bukacek and Rep. Skees,
Little happens politically in our gargantuan state that I don’t hear about – even snide remarks at small civics meetings. And recently, a Republican women’s group spokeswoman (of sorts) in the Flathead County name-dropped the Montana Daily Gazette as (forgive the summary, as I don’t have an exact quotation), “trying to split the Republican Party.”
I felt a short op-ed was in order, and being so, I hope you appreciate leaving out the details.
When it comes to controversies, as in the Flathead between Rep. Derek Skees and Dr. Annie Bukacek, the Montana Daily Gazette has taken a measured, fair approach to report the controversy. As the publisher of the finest publication in Montana, I outrank by small measure the editor and, of course, our writers, who are much less neutral on the subject than myself.
Let me say that both Rep. Derek Skees and Dr. Bukacek – if they were honest (and they are, so far as I know it) – can testify that I have personally spoken to both and encouraged them to handle this controversy in as Christlike way as possible, so far as following Matthew 18 is concerned – as much as possible – outside the local church (its original context). Unfortunately, some cats can’t be put back into the bag and it looks like we’re beyond that time.
The instructions that I have given our editor is to let Flathead residents write freely their own op-eds, without our interjection or “fact-checking” (which we despise out of principle, whether done by Big Tech or us). When contacted after a particularly heated op-ed, with finger-wagging anger – I encourage that individual to write their own op-ed correcting that with which they take exception. Sometimes they do; sometimes they don’t.
Let me personally say with all sincerity that I love both Dr. Bukacek and Rep. Skees, both because they are my neighbor (and Jesus said to) and because I just plain favor them as human beings. At MDG, we allow you to write your opinions FREELY unlike what you might find at the Flathead Beacon or Daily Interlake – and we will publish it.
However, in terms of the accusation that we are trying to split the Republican Party, this only partially true. We are trying to split off the RINOs and get them to be honest about their voting record in the state legislature or statewide races. And by RINOs, I mean without apology the Solutions Caucus and those affiliated.
Finally, in terms of the Republican Party individually, please understand that this publication does not carry water for any political party. While I am a precinct captain and State Committeeman for the Republican Party and serve as a consultant for conservative politicians, I am a Christian first, a conservative second, and a Republican way, way, way down the line. I will support Independents, socially conservative Libertarians, Constitutionalists, and others if there is no Republican alternative I believe in.
I have made up no mind on this issue, at least worth reporting in the MDG. However, we are happy to let YOU write and speak freely you opinions because…you know…it’s America and stuff.
Finally (#2) I love the Flathead more than any place in Montana besides my Eastern Montana dwelling (Cascade County, you’re a close third). I wish you all well in your endeavors to keep the Flathead conservative, no matter the candidate. I am rooting for you, and certainly not trying to divide you.
I wish you peace and blessing.
Jordan Hall
Publisher, MDG
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