Op-Ed: Missoulian’s Lies Against Manzella Just a Symptom of Legacy Press Problem, Time to Boycott Fake News
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We saw them come in late. I looked at Brandon Huber, the pastor who is being targeted because the Montana Relator’s Association has labeled the Bible “hate speech,” and said to him, “They already have their story written.”
I looked at my producer, David Morrill, and said, “They’ll leave when they get their ‘gotcha’ moment. And that’s precisely what happened.
The dying newspaper (we’ve written about Montana’s Legacy Press going broke, losing readership, and – for lack of a better word – suiciding itself by dripping liberal bias before, in articles like this one), came for one reason – (1) to listen to protestors outside and portray them in the best possible light and (2) find a reason – any reason – to attack Theresa Manzella in nearby Ravalli County.
I caught the Missoulian “reporters” on their way out the door. I literally ran to catch up with them, and asked why they were suddenly leaving, long before the keynote speaker was up. They indicated they had enough.
Boy, did they.
Thankfully, Interim MDG Editor, David Morrill, already explained – with video – what Senator Manzella really said. Thank God our cameras were rolling. You can find his epic take-down of the fake news outlet in his article, Update: Video Evidence of Missoulian’s Fake News.
Here’s the gist (if you don’t want to watch the footage); Manzella was opining on the LGBTQ+-/$%^@* community’s penchant for victimology. Proving her point perfectly, the Missoulian reporters took her comment, stopped it, and added a line of their own about violence that Manzella never said or implied. Then they added the rest of Manzella’s statement, indicating that their words were her words.
With Morrill in transit back to Denver, and me – the publisher of MDG in transit on the rest of the speaking tour – releasing that video would have to wait (our Montana Gazette Radio editor was not present because he was on the radio, and therefore didn’t have the footage), the Missoulian was free to craft a false narrative and attack Manzella, Huber, and all those inside as violent people.
But Manzella wasn’t the only one whose the Missoulian’s anti-journalistic standards misled that night. As I had promised in a previous article at MDG, I approached the crowd of LGBTQ protestors to convey a simple message; I love you and I’m willing to speak civilly with all of you.
Security took that footage during my brief encounter with the angry mob of LGBTQXYZLMNOP protestors. Watch below and notice that I had three primary messages (1) I love them (2) Jesus loves them (3) I’ll be back after the event to speak to them one-on-one, all night if possible, with rational discourse and polite conversation. Notice their response.
It turns out, the Missoulian was there, speaking to the protestors and caught the footage themselves. Instead of putting in video – or citing my words of love – they only included a single image designed to appear confrontational.
This is why people do not read the Missoulian and they’re quickly going out of business. And this is exactly why Montana Daily Gazette is filling the vacuum as the state’s #1 newspaper. It’s called honesty.
Why not report the people inside Clinton Community Church were decent and in order, respectful, took turns, and were kind, while the LGBTQ protestors outside were rude, profane, and disinterested in conversation? It’s because of bias.
I have two calls of action in this op-ed.
Boycott the Missoulian. No conservative needs to subscribe to their newspaper or advertise with them…period.
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[Editor’s Note: Contributed by MDG Publisher, JD Hall]
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