Op-Ed: Godless Progressives Sponsor Violent Revenge
The pandemic was ready-made for creating chaos and the left’s draconian leadership didn’t disappoint.
Christians, the walls have been breached and the enemy has made their way inside. They are using deception and subterfuge to internally destroy America. The enemy is proceeding from bad to worse, deceiving, and being deceived.[i] The following are a few examples of the enemy causing chaos to destroy America.
Many members of the godless Democrat Congress have called for liberals to harass conservative politicians that resulted in assaults. They encourage their followers to bleed and die in the streets to “resist” patriotic Americans. Black Lives Marxists openly call for violent revolution and in all of these instances, the liberal press is sympathetic. Combine this with every day and night liberal news commentators from CNN, MSMBC, and ABC, etc. spewing hate, racism and calling everyone who speaks truth, a racist. This is using the psychological lie of duplicity to gain notoriety while sponsoring chaos.
This deceptive messaging surges daily from liberal news media outlets and members of the Democrat party. They sponsor the spread of dehumanizing rhetoric, setting the public stage to sponsor victimhood to justify retribution. They create and promote reasons for revenge and encourage people to settle fabricated wrongs with violence. These godless liberal mouthpieces are sponsoring hate to influence and push certain communities and unstable individuals to commit violence. The proof, we now know, is progressive Democrat operatives created BLM and Antifa to reap havoc and destruction on Americans. Then the IRS gave them tax-free status and they are now backed by millions of dollars from Marxist anti-Americans who can deduct their contributions.
These secular progressives manifest pathological behavior that is habitual, maladaptive, and compulsive. They engage in behaviors that aim to gain power over others by lying, subterfuge, and organized retribution to strike fear into any opposition. They know chaos is their best friend. Without a general state of disorder, the power-hungry can’t rule over others easily. If there is order, they have no power at all and can’t spread the drama they love to start. This is why chaos and gaining political power go hand in hand with evil. This is the reason Democrat Governors and Mayors assisted in creating chaos and violence by withdrawing and defunding law Enforcement. They know the only way to gain more power is by taking it from “We the People.” Their method is the age-old process of creating chaos to sponsor fabricated reasons for political leaders to take over and gain dictatorial powers.
The pandemic was ready-made for creating chaos and the left’s draconian leadership didn’t disappoint. They sponsored the taking of Constitutional rights that protects citizens from the government. Their priority is our First Amendment rights because taking this right gives evil the power to prevent Americans from assembling and speaking against them. This is why they caused mandatory lockdowns, masks, and vaccinations. They wanted to exercise and push the limit of their power. They know history, and this evil demonic process worked for Stalin, Hitler, and others, and it will work to take over America if Americans from all walks of life do not stand against this evil.
An event that shows secular liberals are successful at promoting chaos empowerment that encourages psychopaths, is the guy who killed children and seniors by running over them during the Christmas parade in Wisconsin. The total truth is coming out that shows this black habitual criminal killed innocent white people because he hated white people. He was no doubt empowered by the hate sponsored by the secular progressive news, the Democrat Congress, and Biden supporting chaos by claiming America is systemically racist. This is organized evil!
This Watchman report concludes that the godless progressive ideology from the President down, sponsored by liberal false news, coordinated with violent thugs, and enabled by the anti-American money suppliers are actively supporting the violent overthrow of America. Without a doubt, their goal is the destruction of America’s liberty, which is causing untold pain and suffering to our families and friends beyond our wildest nightmares.
Christians should know these evil people are biblically defined as “led astray, slaves to various passions and pleasures, passing their days in malice and envy, hated by others, and hating one another,”[ii] They sponsor evil principalities who “…speak evil of whatever they do not know; and whatever they know naturally, like brute beasts, in these things they corrupt themselves.”[iii]
Most Americans are still in a state of unbelief. We are like the person who was shaken awake and still disoriented. We see this tidal wave coming, but do not fully understand how to prevent the approaching death and destruction. We ask ourselves can we believe our ears and eyes. The answer is yes. American’s must wakeup, and believe we are in a war to preserve our liberty. It is like a tidal wave that will not stop. We can’t pray evil away, or just hope it gets defeated in the next election. “We the People” must realize today’s Democrat ideology is a predator and needs to be figuratively destroyed and buried. We are no longer in a political contest between two parties. We are in a war for our liberty and freedom against an organized, financially supported tyrannical principality.
Christians and their shepherds need to begin boldly speaking God’s righteousness into this evil by exposing it to the body of Christ as a Watchmen on the wall. We must take an active role in having Christ’s truth influence public policy from school boards to the U.S. President. We must call upon and use the most powerful Spirit in the world[iv] to conclude our mission by turning evil from darkness to light.[v] Therefore, we must fight this evil by overwhelming it with Christ’s truth. All of us must realize until God’s word has been spoken and heard by evil, the last word has not been spoken, the last act has not been taken, and evil has not yet been defeated.
Senator David Howard, Foxhole Ministry, Billings, MT 59101
[i] 2 Timothy 3:13
[ii] Titus 3:3
[iii] Jude 1:10
[iv] Acts 1:8
[v] Acts 26:18