Not Satire! TGC Editor Whose Favorite Films Feature Graphic Gay Sex & Nudity Offering Courses for $299 on How to ‘Faithfully View Films’
In an act so brazenly hypocritical that we assume it’s only being done to see if they can get away with it, The Gospel Coalition is offering an 8-week course on how to responsibly and faithfully interact and understand the relationship between faith and film (as well as “exploring how the post-Christendom push-and-pull dynamic parallels metamodernism and oscillation between modernism and postmodern dispositions”) from a film critic whose favorite movies and TV shows are rife with graphic sex and nudity.
Demonstrating why TGC should be regarded exclusively with contempt and scorn, TGC’s Senior Editor Brett McCracken’ is is charging $299 in order to help Christians:
Understand how movies reflect cultural values and spiritual longings
Learn ways to evaluate and engage films from a Christian perspective
Be equipped to facilitate meaningful theological discussions about movies
Ironically, one of the sessions involves learning how to be discerning when consuming media, teaching Christians how to “enter into this highly secular sphere without being morally compromised by it.”
What a Joke.
You’ll recall McCracken’s Top 20 list of favorite shows in 2021, published on the Gospel Coalition platform, featured several that were rated ‘R” for language, violence, and frequently for scenes of sex and nudity, that his 2022 best movies list is full of graphic sex and nudity, and that mercifully, his best films of 2023′ only featured a bit of sex and nudity.
For example, one of his top favorite TV shows was White Lotus. Appearing on HBO, this six-episode show is rated TV-M and contains tons of filthy language, sex jokes, sex scenes, copious amounts of male nudity, and some female nudity as well.
In fact, it contains (warning, graphic description ahead) a graphic sex scene featuring two fully nude men, where one has his face in the back-end of the other, doing very homosexual things to his anus with his mouth.
We’ve been able to pinpoint this scene to near the middle, which means even after he watched it, he kept on watching more episodes, understanding that he very well may see more of this content in the rest of the season.
Given his long history of unfaithfulness in this area, even going so far as to suggest watching these perverse shows and films give him “more passion than ever to spread the gospel, ’McCracken has no standing or credibility to help Christians “develop a biblical perspective on the popular film” or teach them to “navigate the culture with Christian wisdom.”