Not Good! Pastor Says Trump Rally Is Second ‘Most Amazing Thing’ To Happen at His Church
In a cringy display of misplaced priorities, Pastor Jimmy Morales of Fervent Church in Las Vegas, Nevada, lauded the advent of Donald Trump at a campaign rally held at his church. He introduced the former president with a statement that was both theatrically overblown and devoid of theological substance, saying:
“I am so excited about what’s going on here today. This is the most amazing thing that’s ever happened at this church, other than you giving your life to the Lord.”
No, no, no, no, no.
While certainly, the presence of a former president would be thrilling, suggesting it’s one of the most amazing events to occur within the church walls betrays a stunningly poor grasp of ecclesiology. A political rally of any kind at a church (if it should even take place at all) should be easily overshadowed by the following awe-inspiring church activities:
– The joyous celebration of new believers accepting Christ, seeing believers buried with Christ by baptism into death, the privilege of hearing a pastor faithfully deliver God’s word, the experience of communal worship, the warm fellowship with fellow believers you haven’t seen in a week, the sanctity of hosting weddings and funerals, the profound communion service, the insightful counseling sessions from pastors or elders, and the power and privilege of collective prayer.
Listen, witnessing a group of children earnestly reciting Bible verses or catechism lessons is a sight far more stirring and remarkable, and ‘amazing’ than hosting a political rally for some pagan politician who may or may not become the next President.
It’s sad that Morales doesn’t believe it.