No, This ‘Prophet’ Did NOT Prophesy the Trump Assassination Attempt
There is a video going around of a man ‘prophesying in great detail’ about the assassination attempt on Trump’s life, but this is not something we should marvel at.
Instead, this whole video is nonsense.
So who is this “prophet?” Brandon Biggs has a YT channel where he spends much of his time recounting visions and prophetic dreams the Lord is giving him, sharing hundreds of prophecies that he believes he is being shown, most involving the destruction of the United States and upcoming doom and pestilence.
These include: the Lord showing him an upcoming massive EMP attack on America from “Oriental people” using missiles from the “USSR” that take out half the midwest, that Italy will have a massive volcano eruption that will cause major devastation, that there will soon be another plague that will kill 350,000,000 people, that there will be a major earthquake that results in helicopters having to fly in food for hundreds of cities across America because all the bridges will collapse across the country.
He’s described in vivid detail the upcoming start of WW3, regaling his audience of all the details of how that will begin, and notably has previously falsely prophesied a major crash of the economy in 2013, urging everyone to buy rations and supplies, which resulted in anyone who believed him suffering financial hardships.
In fact, he had to personally call up everyone he falsely prophesied to say ‘sorry,’ and was subsequently forbidden by one pastor from ever prophesying in their church again.
He also falsely prophesied around this time that silver would go to $100/oz and that the Iraqi Dinars would skyrocket (also urging everyone to invest in it, even though it tanked and they again all lost their shirts)
Furthermore, 28 second sound clips are fun, but let’s look at the whole conversation to see what else he’s saying.
Immediate; prior to the prophecy, Biggs says that the upcoming passover will accelerate politics, war, etc, and there will be record-breaking temperatures, including the largest tornadoes we have ever seen in history, 150MPH microburst winds, lasting into the Fall season. We’ll be looking for these.
As it pertains to prophecies about assassination attempts on the President, the bar is really low. The prediction that someone might try to take out one of the most hated men in America, one who gets compared to Hitler on a regular basis and has the entire forces of the mainstream media against him, driving the narrative that he must be stopped at all cost…is basically par for the course.
Notably, this quote from Tucker Carlson in 2023 is also obviously “prophetic:”
“If you begin with criticism, then you go to protest, then you go to impeachment, now you go to indictment and none of them work. What’s next? Graph it out, man. We’re speeding towards assassination, obviously. … They have decided — permanent Washington, both parties have decided — that there’s something about Trump that’s so threatening to them, they just can’t have him.”
But if someone were to speculate/ predict about how Trump might be assassinated, it’s reasonable to assume the method wouldn’t be with a vial of poison or a knife attack, but a gun.
Also, Biggs makes it sound like the bullet will bust his eardrum because it misses his head. Instead, we see the bullet actually hit him, with no indication that his eardrum is burst. Biggs claims that in this moment, Trump fell to his knees and was “worshiping the lord” and was “radically born again.”
While we hope this occurs, there is no evidence or indication that this occurred at all. Of course we’ve seen the pic of Trump on his knees with his hands in front of him, which is a reasonable position to be in when a ton of Secret Service agents just tackled you and are piled on top of you.
Immediately after the clip ends, however, what these people didn’t include, is that Biggs claims once Trump takes power, there will be a great economic crash during Trump’s term “worse than the Great Depression,” which saw almost 25% unemployment rates and those who didn’t lose their jobs see their wages cut in half.
Biggs says that Trump and his advisors pray and intercede for America, which at that point the financial crisis will be lifted.
In short, a noted and documented false prophet who routinely shares hundreds of prophecies and revelations from God, amassing quite the collection that he can point to go and say “see, see!,” pointed out that someone would try to assassinate Trump but fail in the most commonly and predictable way ever if one is going to fail in an assassination attempt, gets a key detail wrong, and then in his next breath says America will, in the next four years, suffer an economic collapse worse than the Great Depression.
Sorry continuationists, but this is not the W many of you are touting it to be: