No More Back Seat: CDC Finally Kicks Mask Mandates Off the School Bus
In a bit of fresh air, the treacherous CDC has finally caved to the science
In a bit of fresh air, the treacherous CDC has finally caved to the science and updated their website to reflect a new federal policy recommendation, that children are no longer required to wear masks on buses.
Of course, nothing about the science has changed that would warrant such an about-face at this time, unless you count the partisan CDC kowtowing to the desperate Democrats pressuring them to ease up a little so they don’t get walloped in the upcoming midterms as ‘science.’
Addressing schools directly, the Montana School Boards Association senior counsel sent this memo out to administrators across the state, informing them:
The Centers for Disease Control announced that, effective February 25, 2022, it is exercising its enforcement discretion to not require people wear masks on buses or vans operated by public or private school systems. This decision means that the January 29, 2021, order requiring masks be worn on public transportation no longer applies to school buses. School districts and their transportation contractors are no longer subject to the order. Boards of trustees retain the authority to decide, at the local level, how mask p
Prior to this, even if schools didn’t want to mask up the kids on the buses, they were still federally mandated to do so. Now, if schools and school boards still insist on keeping the kiddos’ mouths clogged with fibers and cotton, they’ll have no one to give them cover or justify their wretched actions towards our children.
It will be all on them, and it’s not something we’ll soon forget as the school board elections fast approach.
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