No Governor Ginaforte it’s Not Safe or Effective-
A strong young father experienced horrific seizures, horrendous headaches and outrageously high temperatures. People are having strokes, and some are experiencing numbness.
How can the Governor spout something such as the tweet below?
Recently the Governor tweeted the following:
How can he begin to state such atrocities when people are dying from the “vaccine.” How can we trust him? He doesn’t even know it’s not a vaccine. Montana Daily Gazette receives numerous reports from friends and relatives of loved ones who die (and especially after the second Pfizer shot) within usually 4 to 7 days of the often second injection. We’ve received news of at least 15 deaths in Flathead County alone, which means it’s happening everywhere in the state.
A strong young father experienced horrific seizures, horrendous headaches and outrageously high temperatures. People are having strokes, and some are experiencing numbness.
Please remember when you hear a health officer ANYWHERE in the state of Montana revealing a certain amount of “breakthrough cases” that it means a FAILED “VACCINE” (that is, the Covid shot has made the patient sick and often sick to the point of hospitalization). Honest Logan Health nurses will tell you there are many people coming in very sick from these toxic injections with awful side effects.
We haven’t forgotten about your “Pfizer Stock” Governor Gianforte to the tune of almost $800k, which at this point seems (if not cashed out) a possible conflict of interest.
Please, please stop promoting these experimental injections and especially as our little children are subject to them. Even tiny young children will be on the docket soon, which is so very frightening. And remember not one child has died from “Covid” in the State of Montana but our teenage youth have had heart issues (myocarditis) from the toxic injections, which will significantly affect them perhaps the rest of their lives.
What’s it going to take? A child dying?
Stop the narrative. Stop.
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